Greening the War Machine

Buy Real Alprazolam I’m confused by this post on Iraq’s environmental crisis over at The Duck of Minerva. First, to attribute Iraq’s devastated environment to war, as Roger A. Payne seemingly does, is an oversimplification. Even the LA Times article that he plays off of recognizes that. Then, after tallying up the devastation, Payne concludes: In IR [International… Continue Reading…

Romm Shocked at Grist's Audacity

Buy Generic Xanax Online Cheap How pissed is Joe Romm at Grist? Plenty. Their decision to act more like a journalistic outlet than a one-note activist clearinghouse (in this instance) now makes it harder for him to make statements like this (in bold, of course): I can’t imagine why any serious journalist would cite the work of The Breakthrough Institute… Continue Reading…

Morano & the Military [UPDATE: Morano insists I got this wrong. See below.] Not a peep from Climate Depot about this hearing and the climate climate change concerns expressed by former Senator John Warner and military brass. When it comes to mocking so-called climate alarmism, Morano rarely misses an opportunity. Yet this is twice in the past week. I… Continue Reading…

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What Happened to Grist? Kudos to Grist for posting this rebuttal. I actually suggested such a thing yesterday on their site. Probably a coincidence. More likely they acted after seeing the dueling Huffington posts between Romm and TBI. Anyway, maybe this augurs a new chapter in Grist’s reincarnation as…a more diverse group blog. I wish they never went in… Continue Reading…

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Policymakers & Popular Media

The print media may be on life-support but they still have the capacity to influence policymakers. Check out this neat catch by Christine Parthemore over at Natural Security. Her post is a brief tale of two seemingly unremarkable Time magazine articles that appear to have had undue influence on two members (including the chairman) of… Continue Reading…

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Anyone notice the Rommathon at Grist these past few days, including this incoherent slime fest? Must be vacation time there in Seattle, because I’ve noticed in the last six months that they’ve generally refrained from cross-posting Romm’s really nasty stuff. Staffers at print and web mags typically head for the hills about now. Then again,… Continue Reading…

Salvage Ecology As I wrote in this story a few years back, most ancient ruins are discovered after a bulldozer digs up the ground for a new highway, oil pipeline, or strip mall. It’s called  “rescue” or “salvage” archaeology.” It’s an ironic way to advance a science–got to build new stuff before you can find the really… Continue Reading…

Sulfur Man

That sulfurous odor emanating from Climate Progress is Joe Romm’s latest blast against his arch-enemies at The Breakthrough Institute. I’ve heard how Romm censors comments that are critical of him, so I thought I’d test him out. Sure enough, the self-proclaimed son of a journalist declined to approve this gentle rap from me: I read… Continue Reading…

The Media Blame Game What do Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and liberal climate bloggers like Joe Romm all have in common? They are inveterate media bashers. Limbaugh has long railed against the MSM; he helped perfect the “liberal media” label into a favorite cudgel of conservatives and an effective meme.  Limbaugh is also a slash & burn artist. His… Continue Reading…

Sacrificing Cultures on the Climate Change Altar

This story by Elisabeth Rosenthal in Saturday’s New York Times unintentionally highlights an issue that receives scant attention in the media. Which is the bigger, more immediate problem: land use (such as deforestation) or climate change? If you want to make things even more complicated, throw in natural climatic events, such as drought. Rosenthal tries… Continue Reading…
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