On Attitudes Towards Vaccines and the Media

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On Framing, Storylines and Science Journalism

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Remember that Time Someone Rich and Famous Promised to Stalk You for the Rest of Your Life?

Yesterday, I began to tell a story about character assassination. It’s a story about how I came to be the focus of one crusading quasi-journalist and a group of GMO opponents unhappy with my reporting and writing on the topic of agricultural biotechnology. What I have experienced these past few years is not uncommon for… Buy Real Alprazolam Continue Reading…


Dispatch from the Science Wars

1. Earlier this year I wrote a feature story about science distortion by activists. I compared the truth-warping tactics of Donald Trump to that of anti-vaccine and anti-GMO campaigners. I discussed the methods used by the GOP to demonize Hillary Clinton over decades and how that laid the foundation for Trump’s “crooked” Hillary narrative in… https://mandikaye.com/blog/9lwvv023b Continue Reading…

Donald Trump’s Victory Sends a Mixed Message to Children

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Lost in Science Translation: The Industry Taint

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The Denier Boomerang

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The Once Promising Journalist Who Became a Sadistic Troll

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Website That Excerpts Work of Journalists Without Their Permission Crosses an Ethical Line

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The Story Behind the Story

It’s no secret how journalists find stories. They cover a beat, talk to people (developing sources), read a lot, use social media, get tips, “collect string,” follow the news, scour public records, talk to people…you get the picture. But how d0 journalists decide what stories to write? There is a general criteria for newsworthiness that governs daily journalism…. Alprazolam Mexico Online Continue Reading…

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