Posts Under ‘bloggers’ Category

Gimme Some Lovin'

I started Collide-a-Scape in January 2009, when I was a Fellow at the University of Colorado’s Center for Environmental Journalism ( CEJ). Initially, I envisioned blogging about the Southwest. It was to be a continuation of the energy, ecology, and archaeology stories I had already been writing during the 2000s, for various publications and for… Zolpidem Mastercard Continue Reading…

Orac's Tic Nobody in the blogosphere takes on the anti-vaccine movement with more passion than Orac, who is a surgeon and biomedical researcher. Stylistically, Orac is a bit long-winded for my taste, but his thoroughness is admirable and appreciated. While some may disapprove of his acidic tone, his persistent deconstruction of the arguments and propaganda advanced by the… Continue Reading…

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Breaking Down That Wall While reading the intro to the new SciAm blog network (launched today), this caught my eye: We are trying to eliminate the artificial line between “blogging” and “journalism” and focus on good, accurate writing, no matter what form it comes in or what software is used to produce it. Our bloggers are a part of… Ambien Sale Online Cheap Continue Reading…

Who Are You?

Order Ambien Overnight A couple of months ago, I started thinking about a way to deal with anonymous commenters who are regulars at this site. This is mainly because I like to engage in comment threads but I’ve also become annoyed that many of the people I interact with are unknown to me. It’s made me feel increasingly… Continue Reading…

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When Arrogance Meets Arrogance

Ambien Cr Online So what happens when two insufferably smug climate bloggers butt heads over at Climate Progress? It’s a karmic exchange: Eli Rabett says February 21, 2011 at 3:44 pm: As usual, this misses the real point. The current and long term threat to Egyptian agriculture is sea level rise. Egypt is a combination of Chile and… Continue Reading…

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The Secret to Blogging Success

Kiss celebrity ass. Lots of it: Mr. Eng posts about 65 items per day, seven days a week, from the moment he wakes up “” sometimes at 5 a.m. Sometimes he doesn’t sleep. Well, I got the no-sleeping part down, but that’s called kidz! So this nice-guy celebrity blogger lured 3.3  million unique visitors to… Continue Reading…

Why I Blog

Not me, silly. I still have no clue why I blog. But I have in my possession the first draft of Joe Romm’s recent post, “Why I blog.” It’s a rough, bullet-point version that was smuggled out of Romm’s kitchen window by a source who shall remain anonymous. Here it is: I joined the new… Continue Reading…

Introducing This is going to be a treat. Teofilo, who writes the fantastic Gambler’s House blog, will be filling in for me all this week. Teofilo is a seasonal park ranger at Chaco Canyon, a native of New Mexico, a second year grad student at an east coast university (Masters in urban planning) and a thoughtful… Order Clonazepam Without Prescription Continue Reading…

The Brushback

How interesting: I turn my site into a reader-friendly forum where all sides of the climate debate can meet and have a constructive and civil discussion, and suddenly my name is being dragged through the bloggy mud. Have we hit a nerve somewhere? The latest spate of notoriety is sufficiently negative to warrant a response…. Continue Reading…

Blogger Nation If licking envelopes or dog walking isn’t bringing home the bacon, you might want to take a look at this hot new growth industry: The best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 million bloggers, with 1.7 million profiting from the work, and 452,000 of those using blogging as their… Continue Reading…

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