Monthly Archives : July 2011

The Climate Easter Bunny Fable Here’s some straight talk on climate politics: A facile explanation would focus on the ‘merchants of doubt’ who have managed to confuse the public about the reality of human-made climate change.  The merchants play a role, to be sure, a sordid one, but they are not the main obstacle to solution of human-made climate change. The bigger problem… Continue Reading…

My Feverish Cougar Fears

When we lived in Boulder a few years ago, we were very lucky to rent an inexpensive rickety house perched in the foothills. We felt like we were living in a huge treehouse. The views were awesome and the space was luxurious compared to our Brooklyn shoebox. But the wildlife spooked the hell out of… Ordering Xanax Online Legal Continue Reading…

Nature, Redefined Henry David Thoreau famously wrote: In wildness is the preservation of the world. Since the late 1800s, the notion of wilderness as nature incarnate has been an animating force in American culture. A host of seminal, hugely influential environmental writers and activists, from John Muir and Aldo Leopold to David Brower and Edward Abbey, have… Continue Reading…

Is Criticism of IPCC out of Proportion? Given much of the recent reporting of the IPCC’s work, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a tinpot group of green zealots, rather than the greatest feat of global scientific cooperation ever seen. Its reports are approved and endorsed by every nation on the planet, making it utterly unique and authoritative. From Damian Carrington’s defense… How To Buy Xanax Pills Continue Reading…

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The Case for GMO's When you can grow more food using the same inputs of land, water and fertilizer, everyone — farmers, consumers, hungry people and anyone who cares about CO2 concentrations in the earth’s atmosphere — is better off. From a profile of an environmentally-minded owner of a California-based R & D biotech company, who says he wants… Continue Reading…

Who's a Climate Extremist?

Buy Generic Xanax From Canada Joe Romm has often claimed that most people don’t read past the headlines of news stories. I’m wondering if he thinks that rule doesn’t apply to blog posts, because this doosey from him clocks in at 3947 words. But if you’re one of those headline-only news consumers, Romm does oblige by summarizing his bloated post with… Continue Reading…

The World of Fortune Cookie Wisdom

One of the best self-mocking anthems to fame is this classic from Joe Walsh. Now when this song came out in 1978, the free spirited, social change-minded Age of Aquarius was giving way to the self-absorbed, inwardly focused era of crystal healing and personal gurus. The New Age movement soon became a mainstream, commercial success,… Continue Reading…

The Theory of Punctuated Politics What does the theory of punctuated equilibrium have to do with modern-day American politics? Dan Vergano of USA Today has an intriguing piece that makes the connection: In the 1990’s, amid widespread complaints of “gridlock” in Washington, the notion of political punctuated equilibrium “was born from dissatisfaction with the idea of everything being fixed and… Continue Reading…

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Of Climate Pragmatists and Climate Moralists Last week, when news broke about NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s $50 million donation to the Sierra Club’s anti-coal campaign, I noted that his rationale was based largely on public health considerations and NOT global warming. I wrote: Imagine that. Leaving climate change out of the argument. I wonder if the climate moralists will beat their chests in indignation,… Continue Reading…

Love Me, I'm a Liberal

Buy Xanax From Usa When I lived in the affluent, liberal, eco-friendly universe of Boulder, Colorado in 2007-2008, I noticed that bikes and SUV’s were ubiquitous. Similarly, here’s an observation from a reader who resides in another well-to-do community: I live in a very “˜eco friendly’ community just outside of Seattle. Styrofoam cups have been banned, various street signs… Continue Reading…