Monthly Archives : October 2009

Drilling Down on that Pew Poll

Via Matthew Nisbet, I read this NPR transcript from a show discussing the recent Pew poll that had climate advocates wringing their hands in disbelief. The NPR conversation between Pew’s Andrew Kohut and Yale researcher Anthony Lieserowitz is a worthwhile read for anyone who seriously wants to engage with those poll results. The bottom line:… Continue Reading…

Stewart Embraces Superfreaks

Xanax Bars 2Mg Buy The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Steven Levitt Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis This Jon Stewart interview with Superfreaks co-author Steven Levitt will surely make Joe Romm et al reach for their Rolaids. Stewart doesn’t merely play it down the middle–he defends Levitt. Roger… Continue Reading…

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Eat Your Dog Guess what? Your dog is part of a carbon emissions, greenhouse gas factory. I can only imagine the horror my crunchy green, dog-loving friends in Boulder, Colorado, will feel when they read this post at High Country News. For the record, no pets in my household, thanks to wicked allergies on both sides of the… Continue Reading…

Countdown to Copenhagen My Tuesday post at Nature’s Climate Feedback is up.

Be Scared

Online Xanax Vendor Be very scared, argues Robin Cook, in this essay in the Nov/Dec issue of Foreign policy. Somebody, he says, needs to write a gripping, mega-selling novel to shake up the complacent public about the high risk of an imminent, serious pandemic. And I don’t mean the much-publicized swine flu. While the world media has obsessed,… Continue Reading…

Pew Poll: A Pause or a Trend?

The NYT has a nice round-up of perspectives on this recent Pew poll, which finds: There has been a sharp decline over the past year in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising. I tend to think this poll is more a snapshot in time. We’re still… Continue Reading…

Revkin the Rorschach

Noting this positive profile of Andy Revkin on NPR, a reader of Andrew Sullivan’s suggests there’s an upside to Limbaugh’s recent drive-by: Rush’s listeners were reading Revkin prior to his attack, but this NPR-listener is going to check out his blog. Well done Rush: You just gave Revkin a few thousand more readers. I noticed… Continue Reading…

Countdown to Copenhagen

My Friday post for Nature’s Climate Feedback is up.

The Climate Game Seer Is the Copenhagen climate treaty doomed? In the November/December issue of Foreign Policy magazine, Bruce Bueno De Mesquite, a political scientist from New York University uses computer modeling in game theory to predict that, Despite the hoopla, the U.N. climate change conference in Copenhagen is destined to fail. Here’s what will happen instead: Over the… Continue Reading…

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Climate Fixes & Morality

It’s soooo interesting when science and ethics collide. Especially when Nature is involved. Thanks to environmental historians like William Cronon and Stephen Pyne, and ecologists such as Emily Russell, we know that humans have been manipulating nature for a long, long time. It’s not as if we suddenly learned how to live in a fetid… Continue Reading…
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