Posts Under ‘politics’ Category

Why Ari Fleischer Can't Count Properly (When Tweeting About President Obama) Lots of people are amused by this tweet from former Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer: Question to @gov: how come @BarackObama ‘s last tweet was more than 140 characters? Does he play by different rules??? — Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 24, 2013 Many are chortling that Fleischer has a math deficiency. Actually, I think the recent… Continue Reading…

What Science, Environmentalism and the GOP Have in Common

In the aftermath of President Obama’s reelection, there was much media discussion of the GOP’s ever-shrinking demographic base. As the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza pointed out, with the aid of an astonishing chart: That only 11 percent of Republicans’ total vote came from non-whites tells you everything you need to know about the large-scale demographic… Continue Reading…

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Come Together

In recent years, when the U.S. was mired in two wars that seemed to be ignored by the public at large, some politicos and pundits talked about resurrecting the military draft.  As you can guess, the idea didn’t gain any traction. We Americans prefer to outsource our wars to willing volunteers. But what about some… Continue Reading…

The Costs of Tribalism

That is the title of this trenchant Kevin Drum post, which nails an unfortunate dynamic that is corroding U.S. politics and public debate. The first important point Drum makes is about the dangers of spending too much time on the web, where the loudest and most extreme voices actually do have a disproportionate influence sometimes…. Continue Reading…

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Between a Rock & a Hard Place

I’d say this qualifies for President Obama.

When the Ideologue Gets Ugly and Shrill

You are what you eat, and you are what you say. Or put another way, the kind of person you are is revealed by the language and terms you use to characterize those whose politics or policies you disagree with. Ken Green tells me everything I need to know about him here, of which this… Buy Ambien Generic Online Continue Reading…

When the Crazies Make You Look Gutless

On that latest bit of ugliness to rear its head at a Republican Presidential candidate debate, a James Fallows reader writes:  I think the booing encapsulates what the Republican party we could once vote for now represents to moderate independents like myself: – A few people loudly proclaim repugnant (or in other cases nonsensical) things…. Continue Reading…

Who You Calling Anti-Science? Here’s the charge, from Chris Mooney: Political conservatives in the U.S. today have overwhelming problems with science. They reject, in large numbers, mainstream and accepted knowledge on fundamental things about humans and the planet”“evolution, global warming, to name a few. I also recently posted about how systematically conservatives undermine science with respect to reproductive health. And this is… Klonopin Purchase Continue Reading…

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The Jekyll & Hyde Columnist The only way I can make sense of today’s NYT column by David Brooks is that somebody in the GOP must have scared the hell out of him. Think about it. In July, Brooks wrote that the Republican Party may no longer be a normal party. Over the past few years, it has been infected by… Continue Reading…

Bachmann's Legacy During a debate last week for Republican presidential candidates and in interviews after it, Representative Michele Bachmann called the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer “dangerous.” Medical experts fired back quickly. Her statements were false, they said, emphasizing that the vaccine is safe and can save lives. Mrs. Bachmann was soon on the defensive, acknowledging that she was not a doctor or a scientist But… Continue Reading… Ambien Dosage Purchase Ambien Ordering Online Generic Ambien Buy Buy Clonazepam 2Mg