Posts Under ‘climategate’ Category

Stuck in the Middle with Them Andy Revkin must feel like a  wind dummy  everyone’s punching bag. Last week, he had the temerity to say that “climategate” 2, like the 2009 episode, couldn’t be easily dismissed. So of course he got slapped around by all sorts of people in the climate concerned community, including some prominent scientists: You are claiming that… Buying Ambien Online Safe Continue Reading…

Are Disclosed Climate Emails Fair Game? Last week, after a second batch of climate science emails were publicly released, I got the sense that most science and environmental reporters assigned to cover the story were holding their noses. They dutifully reported the basics, but were not inclined to treat the latest disclosures as especially newsworthy, much less as a story with… Continue Reading…

Climate Science, the Media, and the Middle Ground If you’re following press coverage of the second wave of purloined email communications between climate scientists, you might have noticed that many in the media have turned their attention to the whodunit angle. This is very much a worthy story to pursue (which I’ll have more to say on in a few days), since the… Continue Reading…

The Meaning of "Climategate" (And Its Sequel)

Order Zolpidem Tartrate Online The reaction thus far to the latest release of climate science emails (“son of climategate”) has played out along two tracks. Each has separate storylines. In the feverish precincts of the climate blogosphere, especially those in permanent battle mode, the response has been predictable. Anthony Watts is in full swoon and Marc Morano has turned on all… Continue Reading…

Bride of Climategate No doubt, regular readers have already heard the news. Lucia’s header is clever, but I like mine better. So the timing is obvious, of course, as Andy Revkin sardonically notes in a tweet. Richard Tol seems wearily perplexed: and here we go again — as if Durban isn’t dead enough During some back and forth… Continue Reading…

Former BBC Reporter Pulls Back the Curtain

UPDATE: I just noticed this talk is a year old. Still, it’s pretty fascinating. Anyone interested in how the journalistic sausage gets made in the UK, about the cozy relationship between British reporters and politicians, about how climate change gets covered in the media, should watch this revealing talk by  Sarah Mukherjee, who until recently was… Continue Reading…

Whose Team Are You On?

Fast Shipping Clonazepam 1Mg Distracted (excited?) by melodramatics, Lucia and Anthony Watts miss the most interesting part of this tantrum by Michael Tobis, when he says to Steve Mosher: I believe you that you are not on Koch’s team. I think you are on [Julian] Assange’s team, Team Loose Cannon. I’m interested in this because so many discussions involving Assange… Continue Reading…

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A Climate Claim in Tatters

Clonazepam 2Mg For Sale The evolution of Judith Curry, the outspoken Georgia Tech climate scientist, continues. Her emergence in the last few years as a persistent  critic of the climate science community can be marked by distinct stages. At first, in the immediate aftermath of Climategate, Curry’s critiques focused on “climate tribalism” and “transparency” issues. By April of 2010,… Continue Reading…

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Dept of Misleading Headlines Here’s a good one from Fox Nation: Dems Panicked over “Climategate” Probe You might think the reference is to Congressional Democrats, but you would be wrong. However, there is mounting evidence that some bloggers are getting antsy for House Republicans to get on with their promised climate carnival.

Meet the New Climate Narrative It’s much more complicated than the old one, argues Mike Hulme in the Guardian, and that, he says, is a good thing, one year after the event that triggered “climategate.”  Here’s what I think is the money quote from Hulme’s thought-provoking op-ed: The 12 months since 17 November 2009 have shown brutally that the social,… Continue Reading… Zolpidem Mail Order Cheap Clonazepam For Sale Ambien Online Visa Brand Name Ambien Online Order Clonazepam