Posts Under ‘James Hansen’ Category

Hansen's Inconvenient Book

At some point, ClimateGate will run its course in the coming weeks and people will start paying attention to James Hansen’s first book, Storms of My Grandchildren, due out in December. The odd thing is that mainstream climate advocates might get a change of topic with Hansen, but it won’t necessarily be to their liking….Continue Reading…

The Eye of the Storm

That’s the title of a profile I wrote of James Hansen, which is published today in Nature Reports: Climate Change. (Publishing cycles can be cruel, sometimes.)  Hansen’s first book, Storms of my Grandchildren, is due out in December. When I met with him a few weeks ago to talk about the book’s themes, as well…Continue Reading…

Follow the Bouncing Climate Bill

If you thought the debate over cap and trade legislation (as embodied in the Waxman-Markey bill) was already  overheated, ridiculous, and divisive, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The real fun begins today, with amendment madness unleashed by the Republicans. That will amount to little more than a sideshow, but as the markup process plays out…Continue Reading…

The Hansen Effect

Imagine that: an actual debate on the merits of cap and trade versus a carbon tax breaks out in the blogosphere, courtesy of James Hansen. That doesn’t hurt so bad, does it Joe?