Monthly Archives : October 2013

Why One Zombie GMO Myth Can't Be Killed

An opinion piece in Al Jazeera repeats many of the tropes one frequently hears about GMOs. The accompanying photo (also displayed in this post) is an apt illustration. At the center is a person holding a sign that connects Monsanto and Agenda 21, which is an innocuous U.N. sustainability initiative that has been turned into a feverish… Zolpidem Online India Continue Reading…

Climate Extremists Shrink the Space for Reasoned Debate Yesterday, in a Forbes article repurposed at the Chicago Tribune, a Heartland Institute staffer (who was not identified as such by the Tribune) wrote that, we should thank global warming for making hurricanes less frequent and less severe. Indeed, Hurricane Sandy may well have been much more deadly in the absence of global warming. This led… Continue Reading…

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How to Kick Your Oreo Addiction

Order Zolpidem Tartrate Online As I was plowing through my secret stash of Oreos today, I remembered this news from earlier in the month: Connecticut College students and a professor of psychology have found “America’s favorite cookie” is just as addictive as cocaine – at least for lab rats. And just like most humans, rats go for the middle… Continue Reading…

What Is Bjørn Lomborg Trying to Achieve?

Clonazepam Quick Delivery Online In the latest issue of Cosmos magazine, I have a piece on Bjørn Lomborg, who, as I write, shot to fame in 2001 with his first book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, a broad critique of the environmental movement that infuriated many ecologists and greens. The notoriety transformed the little-known Danish statistician into a globe-trotting public intellectual. Since then,… Continue Reading…

When News is Hazardous to Your Health Earlier this week, ABC News asked: Can wind power be hazardous to your health? Some residents of a Cape Cod town have complained about headaches, nausea and other symptoms that they attribute to noise from wind turbines near their homes. I’ve written about “wind turbine syndrome” a bunch of times, including here at Discover and… Continue Reading…

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When GMO Opponents Stay in Denial I knew I could count on Michael Pollan for this tweet: “No scientific consensus on GMO safety”: statement by European Network of Scientists for S and E responsibility — Michael Pollan (@michaelpollan) October 21, 2013 Of course, there is a scientific consensus, just as there is for the safety of childhood vaccines and the… Continue Reading…

Prominent Biotech Booster: Time to Label GMOs

One of biotechnology’s most articulate allies has laid down the gauntlet: My challenge to the biotechnology industry – the whole food industry in general in fact – is very clear. You have to stop opposing labelling. Instead, you have to embrace the consumer right to know. To lose this entire debate to a motley coalition… Continue Reading…

The Amira Chronicles (Elastic Bonds)

As one political scientist recently noted, a “fundamental difficulty” for counterterrorist operations in collapsed states like Somalia is the ever-shifting landscape of loyalties: Local authorities collaborate with the insurgents that they fight. Armed groups unify and then suddenly split. This is a treacherous environment for outsiders to navigate, particularly someone who poses as a humanitarian… Continue Reading…

The Amira Chronicles (Dealing with Creditors)

Oh great, the Daily Mail has cannibalized my Washington Post magazine story about Michele Ballarin, the Virginia woman who fancies herself the savior of Somalia. As I’ve hinted in earlier posts, there is much more to her than I could fit into my story (Even Mark Mazzetti’s excellent work only scratches at the surface). For example,… Continue Reading…

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Why Is New York City's Air Getting Cleaner?

Buy Klonopin Without Prescription Several weeks ago, this was the headline for a press release: Mayor Bloomberg announces New York City’s air quality has reached the cleanest levels in more than 50 years. That’s quite a claim. Most media outlets reporting this story cut and pasted from the press release; few bothered to delve into the report Bloomberg was… Continue Reading… Ambien Online From Canada Buy Ambien Uk Online Order Clonazepam Without Prescription