Posts Under ‘civil discourse’ Category

Let's Get It On Okay, don’t get any wrong ideas here. I am just trying to set the mood for the new commenting system that I know will make our conversations flow much better. On the subject of comment threads, I suggest folks take a few minutes to read this excellent post by Bora Zivkovic, the blog maestro at… Continue Reading…

On Deniers, Warmistas, and Watermelons

Nothing seems to shake the climate rafters like a fierce debate over the labels that combatants use to smack each other around. Although this thread from yesterday is still going strong, I thought I would break out a comment that rises above the scrum: My belief is that those who are affected most negatively by the… Continue Reading…

Climate Whine Fest?

Buying Xanax Online In Australia Fred Pearce’s verdict on the Lisbon climate reconciliation: Much time at the meeting was taken up bitching rather than conciliating. Gee, what a surprise. Doesn’t Pearce read climate blog threads? To be fair, this confab seems to have become Roshomon-like, according to Werner Krauss. UPDATE: There’s a dust-up related to Pearce’s New Scientist dispatch that… Continue Reading…

Watts Readers to Climate Reconciliation: Shove It

The majority reaction to the Lisbon rapprochement from Anthony Watts readers is loud and clear. Here’s one representative comment: I am violently opposed to the warmistas, their beliefs and their crusade to tax and control me. Let my language make it plain that I believe that this is a war. No reconcilliation ““ no surrender…. Continue Reading…

Let's Wait Till the Fever Breaks

About that futility I was going on about yesterday, Kevin Drum nails it: Are the fever dreams of the right worse than the fever dreams of the left? I’d say they obviously are, but that’s a matter for evidence and argument, not listicles. But nobody on the right is ever going to acknowledge this anyway…. Continue Reading…

Words Matter

Alprazolam Buy Online India Steve Walt at Foreign Policy makes his case: One problem, of course, is that causality in a case like this is always murky. When someone arrives at a public event and starts shooting people, how do we determine the relative weight of mental illness, personal experience, opportunity, lax gun-control laws, and the toxic soup of… Continue Reading…

A Climate Proposal A self-proclaimed left/liberal/Democrat extends an olive branch to Republicans and climate skeptics: Yes, I have the perception that your side is worse.  Yes, I understand that your side has the perception that my side is worse.  Great.  Can we both agree to back off a little? We’ll continue to try to make the case that… Continue Reading…

Rule #1 for Climate Discourse?

A reader of James Fallows has a suggestion to better focus the national discussion of the moment that is equally relevant to the climate change debate: I would love to see a list of common sense rules (similar to Michael Pollan’s food rules) that serve as good reminders of civil discourse. What would you like… Continue Reading… Alprazolam Purchase Online