Posts Under ‘climate hawk’ Category

A Climate Hawk Gets Real

David Roberts at Grist seems to have had an a ha! moment. In a long, wonky post about the “rebound effect,” he frames the grand challenge of emissions reduction as a problem that offers one of two choices: 2a. Drive down global energy intensity. 2b. Drive down global economic growth. Roberts runs through the math and concludes…Continue Reading…

Grist: Let's talk About Adaptation

Actually, it’s David Roberts at Grist, and he recommends that adaptation undergo a linguistic makeover to make it more palatable. More on that in a minute. What’s most notable about Roberts’ post is that he has had a change of heart on an issue that, based on my own anecdotal experience, will be met with…Continue Reading…

Climate Hawk Kabuki

If climate hawks (see, I can play along) weren’t so stubborn, they’d listen to people like Paul Kelly: The world knows all about the stated dangers to climate. It has heard the projections and in large part accepted the science. Every government, every school from kindergarten through university, most newspapers and magazines and media outlets…Continue Reading…