Posts Under ‘evolution’ Category

Progressives Have a Science Battle to Wage

Ambien Generic Online When the crusade against evolution emerged, scientists and educators and the skeptic movement rose to the battle. When the crusade against vaccines was in full throttle, scientists and the skeptic movement confronted the fear-mongering campaign, (while the media fed it). When the crusade against climate science got ugly, scientists fought back and when political action on climate change stalled, greens…Continue Reading…

The Law of Unintended Consequences Evolution, Climate Change, Could Divide the Republican party That’s the headline to Ron Brownstein’s piece at The Atlantic. Like I was saying…

Republicans: Science is for Suckers Republicans seem anxious to prove they are the party of scientific ignoramuses. No, not today, that was back in 2007, during the last Presidential election, as written by Reason magazine’s Ronald Bailey. Incidentally, note the use of the term, “evolution denier,” in the headline of his post. The usage is not as common in the vernacular…Continue Reading…

You'll Never Guess His Occupation He now spends his days in church basements, government meeting rooms, street corners and scrubby city parks. He is involved in projects to build playgrounds, install urban gardens, reinvent schools, create neighbourhood associations and document the religious life of the city, among others. A fascinating story of a fascinating project.

True Skeptics

Can people who doubt the phenomena of biological evolution be persuaded by a better demonstration of the evidence? Alan Rogers, an anthropologist at the University of Utah, thinks so. He has authored a newly published book called, “The Evidence for Evolution.” Rogers discusses what motivated him to write the book in this release by Lee…Continue Reading…

The Me Epoch

What a long, strange trip it’s been, from apeman to hydrocarbon man. Is it time we humans aped Donald Trump and named a geological age after ourselves? I can see the argument laid out in this essay, but don’t we already know we’re masters of the universe? I don’t see how making it official is…Continue Reading…

Riddle Me This A very interesting correlation between global warming and evolution–and not the one that may spring immediately to your mind.

Moment of Truth So climate skeptics of all stripes have an opportunity to demonstrate just how highly they value sound science. As the NY Times reports today, religious conservatives are hitching their anti-evolution agenda to the anti-AGW bandwagon. Now, as the readers of Climate Depot, Planet Gore, Watts Up With That, Reason’s Hit & Run, and Tom Nelson…Continue Reading…

It's the Lizard Brain, Stupid

At what point will climate change advocates wake up to the fact that they are chasing their tails?  At what point will the various camps reassess the dominant assumptions that inform their positions, namely: 1) It’s a communication problem. If only scientists would get some media training, if only journalists didn’t do such a crappy…Continue Reading…

Why Some Science Blogs Rock This is not the Donald Duck I grew up with! Oh, lordy, Carl Zimmer peels back the curtain on freaky duck sex. And not just the evolutionary scoop. He’s got slow motion video, too. All set up by this killer lede: There comes a time in every science writer’s career when one must write about…Continue Reading…