Posts Under ‘marc morano’ Category

The Jester With His Hand Stretched Out Marc Morano is touting this accolade that refers to him as a “master of parody.” Eager to live up to his billing, I see Marc is running this ad at the top of Climate Depot. I wonder if his funding is running out.

The Meltdown Meme

Get Clonazepam Delivered Fast I wonder if Marc Morano sees the irony in his repetitive and highly exaggerated banner headlines, such as the one screaming across the site today: Meltdown of the Climate ‘Consensus’–‘Global Warming Establishment Takes a Body Blow’ The best thing is that this header is literally ripped from the New York Post. Yup, it’s a done… Continue Reading…

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The Flogger Unlike Democrats, Republicans are renowned for their ability to stay on message. As I suggested here, Marc Morano has cunningly exploited recent events to help craft a narrative that will have short-term staying power. So unless he’s getting cocky, this foot stomping imagery probably isn’t what he intended. Yet here he is, going in for… Continue Reading…

The Problem with Morano

He exploits everything–even a noble man’s death— to score cheap points for his side. Was it really necessary to play up Borlaug’s vague statements on climate change in this article, Marc? Look, I’m already on record about the value of Morano’s site. I also get a ton of traffic every time he links to me;… Buy Clonazepam Legally Continue Reading…

Morano & the Military [UPDATE: Morano insists I got this wrong. See below.] Not a peep from Climate Depot about this hearing and the climate climate change concerns expressed by former Senator John Warner and military brass. When it comes to mocking so-called climate alarmism, Morano rarely misses an opportunity. Yet this is twice in the past week. I… Continue Reading… Buy Generic Zolpidem Klonopin Dosage For Anxiety