Posts Under ‘climate skeptics’ Category

Climate Skeptics & Killer Wind Turbines To paraphrase a famous observation, cognitive bias in certain precincts of the blogosphere is one of those things you recognize when you see it. So for the hell of it, let’s go to this randomly chosen example at Bishop Hill, the blog of climate skeptic Andrew Montford, who can reliably be counted on to share any… Purchase Clonazepam Online Continue Reading…

When a Science Journal Uses Loaded Language Several years ago, while wrestling with the climate skeptic/denier terminology, I queried a number of my colleagues on which term they used as shorthand. None of them used the “denier” term, but most were also uncomfortable with “skeptic” as a one-size-fits all label. My own thinking on this was captured by Time’s Bryan Walsh, who… Continue Reading…

Inside the Climate Skeptic Hive Mind And you thought some of the rabid in the climate concerned community had it in for Roger Pielke, Jr. Check out the threat Roger apparently poses to climate skeptics over in this Bishop Hill thread. Fortunately, there is a voice of sanity among the rabble. Ben Pile at first tries to reason with the fire-breathers, who… Continue Reading…

Climate Change Joins the Culture Wars Every so often something I write shakes up the climate skeptic hive. They also start buzzing like mad, I have noticed, when you explain to them that their honeypot (the climate science cabal) is not really what excites them. Oh well, so much for transparency. In my latest post at the Yale Forum on Climate… Purchase Clonazepam Online Continue Reading…

Why the Climate Debate is on a Road to Nowhere

Last summer, when Rick Perry mania was cresting and he was spouting nonsense about climate science and evolution, I said this: Serious, science-based climate skeptics have a chance to separate themselves from the foaming-at-the-mouth lunacy that defines their public image. Of course, in that same post, I also that the Texas Governor will likely saddle up the congealed… Continue Reading…

Climate Skeptic Organization Feels the Heat

UPDATE: The Heartland Institute has responded. See bottom of this post for an excerpt. Somebody sent the Heartland Institute a wicked Valentine. It was probably meant for Joseph Bast, Heartland’s President and CEO. Based on my reading of the leaked documents, I’m thinking that a recently fired employee or someone still there is not feeling a lot of… Continue Reading…

The Possession

At the Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media, I ask: Are climate skeptics less important and less influential than they “” and their counterparts in the climate-concerned community “” would have us believe?

Is Judith Curry Peddling Disinformation? In recent days, Richard Tol, an economist and “climate polymath,” has been battling Georgia Tech climate scientist Judith Curry. It started when Curry spotlighted some questionable research (two journal papers) on her blog, which contained statistical analysis that Tol initially called “sloppy.” He said the work was “published in minor journals, so that these papers… Continue Reading…

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Swooning Over Matt Ridley

Order Clonazepam 0.25Mg Climate skeptics are all tingly over Matt Ridley’s recent speech (titled “Scientific Heresy”) to the Royal Scottish Academy. The reaction from Anthony Watts and Bishop Hill reminded me of these famous fanboys. The speech itself is worth reading and has numerous legitimate points ripe for debate, which I’ll take up in a future post. Meanwhile, I’ll ask if Ridley and climate… Zolpidem Online Paypal Continue Reading…

Climate Dead Enders

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross famously coined the five stages of grief: 1) Denial, 2) Anger, 3) Bargaining, 4) Depression, 5) Acceptance Anthony Watts appears to be stuck at stage 2. Oh sure, he’s still very much in denial over this, but make no mistake, he’s also fuming and furiously spinning. It is highly doubtful that any amount of peer review–when… Continue Reading… Zolpidem India Online Buy Clonazepam Overnight Delivery Zolpidem Uk Buy