Posts Under ‘national parks’ Category

Nature & Climate Change

Let me say outright that I’m a big a fan of national parks. Many of my vacations have been spent camping and hiking in these crown jewels, from the mountains of Virginia’s Shenandoah to the mesa’s of Utah’s Canyonlands. On Thursday, two environmental groups issued a report that concluded: climate disruption is the greatest threat… Continue Reading…

Foreign Policy's Crystal Ball

The Sept/Oct issue of Foreign Policy magazine is a must-read for anyone interested in energy and climate change-related issues. I’m just starting to work through it. David Rothkopf’s “Is a Green World a Safer World?” should prompt some interesting reax from the env security think tanks.

Parks & Ammo Per that new “miscellaneous” item attached to the recent credit card bill, Carl Hiaasen is painfully hilarious: Like many other Americans, every time I take my family to a national park I find myself thinking: Wow! If I only had a gun . . . The whole column is a must-read.

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Itchy Fingers on the Trail This observation on human behavior by a park ranger is something to think about next year at Yosemite or Yellowstone, when guns in national parks potentially become as ubiquitous as water bottles: People don’t leave their problems at home when they go to recreate.

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Are We There Yet? This book review pays tribute to the Civilian Conservation Corps. Westerners–particularly Coloradans–might be surprised to learn that their favorite hiking trails and scenic drives owes to this depression era-program. As Kurt Repanshek over at National Parks Traveler writes, the $920 million carved out in the stimulus package for National Park improvements is a “nice chunk… Continue Reading…

Bring Back The Corp

If I lived in this part of Utah and was unemployed, I’d jump at this opportunity. Spending the summer here sure beats flipping burgers. Given the country’s dismal economic situation (and our underfunded parks, forests and wildlife refuges), seems like a perfect time to reprise one of the best programs to come out of the… Continue Reading… Klonopin Price