Posts Under ‘genetic engineering’ Category

Bill Nye Gets Invited to Attend Another GMO Debate If you missed the recent Intelligence Squared debate on GMOs, it’s worth watching. Or if you prefer, read the transcript.  Like Nathanael Johnson, I was initially dubious about the event, then pleasantly surprised at how it turned out. I was also a kinda surprised to see Bill Nye (The Science Guy) piggyback on it: They’re debating… Continue Reading…

Are GMOs Natural?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) describes itself as America’s “most effective environmental health research and advocacy organization.” Like many green groups (and health-conscious foodies), EWG has an organic fetish. Michael Specter has a great chapter on this syndrome in his 2009 book, Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet and Threatens Our Lives. The organic… Continue Reading…

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Talking Points One of the maddening aspects of the GMO discourse is the conflation of industry concerns with science. The biggest example, of course, is the way Monsanto has become a proxy for anti-GMO sentiment. True, this dynamic is not unique to biotechnology. Debates on pharmaceuticals, energy, and agriculture revolve around multinational companies that are stand-ins for… Continue Reading…

The Specter of GMO Pot I surfaced briefly today, checking my Twitter feed at just the right time:

A Refreshing, Freshly Squeezed GMO Story in the NYT

There is so much to admire about this New York Times story by Amy Harmon I don’t know where to begin. [UPDATE: This insightful take by Maggie Koerth-Baker at Boing Boing–which I excerpt below–captures what is remarkable about the piece.] So let’s start with a tweet from National Geographic’s executive environment editor Dennis Dimick: Must Read:… Continue Reading…

Who's Polarizing the GMO Debate?

I love this piece in the Guardian about GMOs, I really do. It’s so exquisitely disingenuous that you have to admire the writer’s chutzpah. Let’s start with this line (my emphasis): Why is it that some politicians and prominent scientists and “communications” agencies are so exclusively preoccupied with GM [genetic modification]? I can’t imagine that… Continue Reading…

Monsanto Wins Headline Sweepstakes

I’m guessing that nobody at Monsanto has ever invoked the adage, “There is is no such thing as bad publicity.” The biotech giant, already a bogeyman to the anti-globalization/anti-corporate/anti-GMO crowd, has endured a particularly rough PR stretch of late. Last month, protesters from around the globe marched against the company. Then came news of Monsanto’s “rogue” GMO wheat,… Continue Reading…

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Nature's Must-Read Special Issue on GMOs By now it has become clear, as British environmental writer Mark Lynas said in a speech this week at Cornell University, that controversy over GMOs represents one of the greatest science communications failures of the past half-century. Millions, possibly billions, of people have come to believe what is essentially a conspiracy theory, generating fear and… Continue Reading…

Why GMO Supporters Should Embrace Labels Guest post by Ramez Naam.   Keith Kloor has graciously given me the opportunity to guest post here again.  So let me cut to the chase: I support GMOs.  And we should label them. We should label them because that is the very best thing we can do for public acceptance of agricultural biotech. And… Continue Reading…

The Sacred Messenger Once upon a time, long before a recent wave of ideological zealotry drove the Republican party to cleanse itself of moderates, appeals for GOP comity were often couched in Ronald Reagan’s eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican In liberal and environmental circles, a similar dictate seems to now hold, with respect… Continue Reading…