Monthly Archives : December 2013

The Science Oven I recently saw the new movie American Hustle, which is loosely based on an infamous 1970s FBI sting operation that ensnared members of the U.S. Congress. There are more than a few very funny moments of highbrow farce in the film, such as when one of the characters (played by Christian Bale) receives a microwave… Continue Reading…

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Warning: A "Natural" Fetish is Harmful to Your Health Last week an expert panel of physicians advised Americans to “stop wasting money” on multivitamins: We believe that the case is closed— supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful. These vitamins should not be used for chronic disease prevention. Enough is enough…. Continue Reading…

The Well-Intentioned, Misguided Eco-Doomers

Alprazolam Online Cheap If you are a regular consumer of environmental news and commentary, you are familiar with the narrative of humanity’s downfall. The story, we are told, looks like this.   If we continue to ignore the danger signs while exceeding the planet’s carrying capacity, the future may get ugly. For the time being, we are on… Continue Reading…

Are GMOs Natural? The Environmental Working Group (EWG) describes itself as America’s “most effective environmental health research and advocacy organization.” Like many green groups (and health-conscious foodies), EWG has an organic fetish. Michael Specter has a great chapter on this syndrome in his 2009 book, Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet and Threatens Our Lives. The organic… Continue Reading…

The Economist: Anti-GMO Greens are "Unscientific and Dangerous" Over a year ago I wrote a piece for Slate entitled, “GMO opponents are the climate skeptics of the left.” I pointed out that, when it came to biotechnology, certain environmentalists and supposed food safety advocates acted similar to those who denied the scientific consensus on global warming. Mark Lynas recently tweeted a good example of… Continue Reading…

What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate

Buying Xanax Online Legal And so… after a decade in which Americans are listening to you less and less, these warnings have to get more shrill just to have an impact — which, of course, only undercuts the reputation and credibility of those speaking so shrilly. I know who and what you think this is in reference to. Actually,… Continue Reading…

How the GMO Debate is Framed The business journalist Marc Gunther has a really good article at the Guardian on yet another battle brewing on the GMO front. It’s about a food advocacy group’s campaign to stop McDonald’s from using new strains of a genetically modified potato, which as Gunther writes, are designed to deliver both environmental and health benefits. They… Continue Reading…

The Dirty Art of Character Assassination In a 2010 editorial, the journal Nature told embattled climate scientists to wise up and “acknowledge that they are in street fight” with their nastiest detractors. At the time, this seemed like a reasonable admonition, since climate scientists were indeed under siege following an illicit disclosure of emails that put the climate science community in an unfavorable light…. Continue Reading…

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Spotty Media Coverage for a Busy Climate News Week In a world where everything from revolutions to extreme weather events is attributed (in some way) to global warming, it is helpful when a body of diverse experts come together to review and discuss what we currently know about the impacts of climate change. So the report issued yesterday by the National Academy of Sciences is… Continue Reading…

The Persistence of a Popular Environmental Meme

There are certain tropes that linger in the public imagination long after they’ve been discredited. Such is the case with the “balance of nature.”  In 2009, the ecologist John Kricher wrote a book about this “enduring myth,” and years before that, another ecologist, Daniel Botkin, published his seminal Discordant Harmonies in 1990, which I think was… Continue Reading… Buy Xanax Medication Online Buy 3 Mg Xanax