Monthly Archives : October 2011

Why Atheists Stay in the Closet Andrew Rosenthal, the editorial page editor of the New York Times, has just started a new blog called “The Loyal Opposition.” He explains: What’s with the title? Although I often find myself in opposition with what is going on in Washington, I’m not out to destroy government or to drag down individuals. My intention is… Continue Reading…

Pushing Back on Romm's Censorial Mentality

Last week, the New York Times put out a special section on energy that didn’t pass muster with Joe Romm. He declared: I think it is safe to cancel your subscriptions to the one-time paper of record. While there are 1 or 2 reporters at the New York Times who get climate and energy, it’s obvious that most… Continue Reading…

The Climate Standoff

Josh, the favorite cartoonist of climate skeptics, gives his take on Judith Curry’s public spat with Richard Muller. ******************************************************** That is certainly the perception that the Greek choruses at WUWT and elsewhere are doing their best to reinforce. So Josh is in tune with his audience. But the reality of what’s happening is more like this.

Happy Halloween My favorite display in the neighborhood.

A Climate Soap Opera Is Judith Curry throwing Richard Muller under the bus in this newspaper article, as Anthony Watts chortles here? Or has Curry been played by the notorious David Rose, the author of the Mail piece? Either way, Watts, ever the dramatist, channels his inner Godfather with this faux exasperation: I try to get away to work on… Continue Reading…

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Ari's Brain Freezes Up

For some of us on the East Coast, snow has come early this year. That means the stupid starts early too: This is freaky. The temp is dropping & the snown is sticking like crazy. Al Gore – get rewrite Twitter is so great because when someone unloads a stupid like that, you can address the… Continue Reading…

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The Gap Between Climate & Energy Reality

I imagine that some folks in the climate policy and politics arena have been growling at this essay in Nature by Jane C. S. Long. Why would that be? Let’s just say that some advocates for climate reality have a little problem with energy reality. And some of them are probably howling at Andy Revkin for his follow-on… Continue Reading…

Have Mercy This plea from an evangelical is interesting: Don’t believe the worst about us””it may only empower the worst in us.  Keep the faith in building bridges. Reach out. Speak the truth in love to evangelicals you know. That will require looking for openness to conversation with evangelicals wherever it can be found. Willis, in classic… Continue Reading…

A Better World is the Story

I had just finished up a post when I came across this 2009 cartoon from USA Today at Andy Revkin’s tumblr site. I’m betting Andy posted it now because of the  recent BEST news, which has inspired many headlines like this one. But for me, the cartoon perfectly illustrates the suggestion I offer at the… Continue Reading…

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Climate Dead Enders

Buy Herbal Ambien Elisabeth Kübler-Ross famously coined the five stages of grief: 1) Denial, 2) Anger, 3) Bargaining, 4) Depression, 5) Acceptance Anthony Watts appears to be stuck at stage 2. Oh sure, he’s still very much in denial over this, but make no mistake, he’s also fuming and furiously spinning. It is highly doubtful that any amount of peer review–when… Continue Reading… Buy Ambien Online Uk Clonazepam For Sleep Side Effects Buy Zolpidem From Canada