Posts Under ‘Judith Curry’ Category

Is Judith Curry Peddling Disinformation? In recent days, Richard Tol, an economist and “climate polymath,” has been battling Georgia Tech climate scientist Judith Curry. It started when Curry spotlighted some questionable research (two journal papers) on her blog, which contained statistical analysis that Tol initially called “sloppy.” He said the work was “published in minor journals, so that these papers… Continue Reading…

A Climate Soap Opera Is Judith Curry throwing Richard Muller under the bus in this newspaper article, as Anthony Watts chortles here? Or has Curry been played by the notorious David Rose, the author of the Mail piece? Either way, Watts, ever the dramatist, channels his inner Godfather with this faux exasperation: I try to get away to work on… Continue Reading…

The Radical Climate Scientist

Clonazepam Side Effects The Judith Curry story fascinates me. She has undergone such a major transformation in recent years that some now find her unrecognizable.  As long-time readers know, I played a bit role in how some of this story played out. But make no mistake, this is Curry’s story, and she’s still writing it over at Climate Etc, her… Buy Ambien Online Paypal Continue Reading…

The Key to (Really) Grasping Climate Change

Your humble host is attending the World Science Festival today (it’s running all week). I’ll be a bystander to some of the events, hoping that all the brilliant minds gathered together will stimulate my feeble brain. Probably not. But it should be fun. I noticed at their blog that boingboing’s Maggie Koerth-Baker has a real… Continue Reading…

Talk to the Hand Dear readers, you have spoken. And what I’m hearing based on the silence greeting my (admittedly vaguely sketched out) idea for a Bipartisan Climate Project is this. Now I’m willing to eat my humble pie, but I’m also prompted to place this stinker of a comment generator in some larger perspective. This also gives me… Continue Reading…

Curry Goes to Congress This announcement, that Judith Curry will be giving Congressional testimony next week, is sure to send the climate blogosphere into overdrive. At her site, Judith writes: I have been invited to present testimony for this hearing. I have been specifically asked by the minority (Republicans) to discuss how we can go about responding to the… Continue Reading…

Dueling Climate Narratives The symmetry of Gavin Schmidt and Judith Curry posting similar themed essays on the same day is too good to pass up. I found both posts fascinating and suggest that people read the pieces back to back. Then read them again. Let’s start with the tags each chose for their posts, which, to me, signifies… Continue Reading…

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Mission Impossible: Separating Science & Politics

David Roberts must not have received the memo that he was supposed to ignore Judith Curry. Seriously, Roberts has made a forceful argument in response to a recent Curry post, in which she wrote: Climate scientists have no particular expertise on politics, economics or social ethics. A scientist’s personal sense of values and morality has… Continue Reading…

The Truth, Sourcwatch Style

This is priceless. The person responsible for researching and writing the SourceWatch page on Judith Curry has an odd way of gathering her information. For example, here are some questions she emailed Curry last night: Hello again Dr. Curry – People who know climate science are having trouble making sense of your critiques, and I… Continue Reading…

Curry the Apostate

Buy Ambien Fast Delivery To fully understand the enduring Judith Curry Phenomenon, you have to appreciate the power of a storyline that is not much discussed: Curry as climate apostate. I realized this last year, after seeing some of the incredulous response to my first Q &A with Curry, which is why I immediately followed up in a second… Continue Reading…

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