Monthly Archives : Rx Xanax Online February 2015

How to Balance Transparency with Academic Freedom?

A succession of stories in recent weeks involving scientists and open records requests have anguished many who cherish two ideals: academic freedom and transparency. I imagine that journalists have also been grappling with a tension between those two ideals. (I know I have.) More on that in a minute. First a recap. Two weeks ago, I reported… Buy Gador Alprazolam Continue Reading…

Climate Change and Terrorism Last month, after the terrorist attacks in Paris, Nature published a Q & A with an anthropologist who studies the murderous motivations of Islamic extremists. He discussed socio-cultural factors and an allure to a radical ideology. That may help explain Islamic attacks against “infidels” in Europe and the United States, but then what’s driving suicide bombers in… Continue Reading…

Why Did Anti-GMO Group Target Certain University Academics?

Xanax Where To Buy In the current issue of Science, I report that a dozen university academics recently received freedom of information requests from a non-profit group opposed to genetically modified (GM) products. Why were these 12 scientists selected? In my piece, I write: The group, U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) of Oakland, California, says it has no vendetta…. Continue Reading…

Anti-GMO Group Seeks Emails from University Scientists

Earlier this week I learned that a dozen public sector scientists working in the field of biotechnology were hit with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from a California-based group opposed to GMO foods. I spoke with many of the targeted scientists and also with the anti-GMO activist who filed the document requests. My story will… Shop Xanax Online Continue Reading…

Bill Maher and his Unscientific Beliefs

Buy Xanax Vietnam Bill Maher, the comedian and host of his own HBO show, is God’s gift to conservatives. Nobody makes liberals look likes asses more than Maher. You think I’m kidding? Try watching Maher’s latest show without banging your head against the wall (if you’re an evidence-based, science-minded-liberal). As Mark Hoofnagle observes at his Denialist blog, it… Continue Reading…

Climate Communication Undermined by Inflammatory Language A recent article in Slate carried this headline: If You Don’t accept Climate Change is Real, You’re Not a Sceptic. You’re a Denier. I’ll return to its claim in a minute. The piece, by Arizona State University professor Lawrence Krauss, ruefully notes that the term “climate skeptic” is frequently used in the media as a… Buy Liquid Alprazolam Continue Reading…

Governor Christie's Dangerous Double-Talk on Vaccines

The Republican political strategy during the past six years has been simple and consistent: If Obama was for it, we had to be against it. No cooperation meant no bipartisan photo ops. The one guy who bucked that was New Jersey Governor Chris Christie during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, when the Governor praised President Obama for… Continue Reading… Xanax Online Overnight Online Xanax Bars Alprazolam Pills Online Xanax Online Canada