Posts Under ‘antiquities looting’ Category

Chasing That First History High For a would-be pothunter, I supppose arrowheads are like a gateway drug.  Of course, not everybody becomes a junkie. And most people who become addicted to uncovering a piece of the past don’t become pothunters. That said, see if you can match the quote to the right author below. Don’t click on a link until… Buy Zolpidem Tartrate 10 Mg Tablet Continue Reading…

The Escape Hatch

Earlier this summer, after federal investigators arrested two dozen residents from Blanding, Utah, for looting ancient Indian burials, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was quick to denounce the FBI’s conduct. Hatch called the federal pothunting raid “overkill” and asked Congress to investigate the FBI’s sting operation. A Salt Lake Tribune editorial scolded Hatch for trying to… Continue Reading…

The Dealer Connection

Zolpidem Online India The pothunting story in Utah that has captured my attention is actually just one tentacle of a sprawling illegal antiquities investigation across the Southwest. I’ve known this for some time, having talked to various dealers snared in the federal sting operation. None of them have been arrested so their role has gone largely unmentioned in… Continue Reading…


Now that my CU Fellowship is over, I’ve been out in the field reporting on a bunch of stories, so blogging has been light the last few weeks. Here’s a piece on the big pothunting investigation I recently wrote for Science magazine, published today (sub req). For those who haven’t followed the twists and turns… Buy Klonopin Discreet Shipping Continue Reading…

Networks of Plunder

Zolpidem Sale Online That’s the title of this astonishing story in the current issue of Science News. Antiquities trafficking is the bane of archaeology, yet it appears that archaeologists in the Middle East and elsewhere are playing an unwitting role when they employ local laborers for excavations. (The first generation of southwestern archaeologists learned this lesson the hard… Continue Reading… Zolpidem Purchase Online Buy Ambien Prescription Online Order Clonazepam