Posts Under ‘environmental groups’ Category

When Environmentalists Team Up With Industry

In March, several green groups, notably the Environmental Defense Fund, formed a partnership with Chevron and other energy companies to, as the LA Times reported, provide more stringent standards for fracking of natural gas in parts of the eastern United States. The collaboration, which also includes several philanthropies, has been formalized with a non-profit organization called…Continue Reading…

A Disturbance in the Green Movement

My favorite environmental heretic continues to be in the news. Earlier this month, the best profile of him yet appeared in the Observer. This week, Macleans publishes an interview with Mark Lynas, the UK environmental writer who is doing more than anyone these days to challenge greens on their ideological resistance to biotechnology. Here’s an…Continue Reading…

Memo to Smug Greens

Here’s a delightfully salty essay from a fellow Brooklynite (of course!) which you should chew on while pondering the collapse of civilization. Pay special heed to this: There is a good reason that the environmental movement in this country — and those tiny, blonde Northern countries — do not win the hearts and minds of most…Continue Reading…

An Enviro War Room

That’s what Geoffrey Lean suggests is needed to counter what he calls the “swiftboating” of climate science in the wake of Climategate. He argues that “environmentalists must bear a fair share of the responsibility” for the rising number of people who don’t believe in global warming (according to recent polls). He partly blames the “backlash”…Continue Reading…

Dems Won't Surrender ANWR

Do leading Democrats and enviros want a climate change bill so bad that they are being snookered by Republicans? Absolutely, argues Roger Pielke, Jr: The take over of climate policy by the Republican agenda is the most over-looked aspect of this entire debate. Perhaps those covering the horse race can’t see the forest for the…Continue Reading…

The Green Insurgents

A few years back, these two guys audaciously pronounced the death of environmentalism. That didn’t go over too well with established greens. Since then, they’ve published a sequel and opened up a storefront to sell a new brand of environmentalism. All this has triggered an odd turf war, including drive-by blasts from the likes of…Continue Reading…

What Goes Around

It’s not often you see this issue examined, much less in a leading environmental magazine. So what about that Presidential appointee merry-go-round, where industry and greens take their turns running the Interior Department, the Forest Service et al? The High Country News story spurred a lively debate among its readers that seemed to illustrate, as…Continue Reading…

Green Groups Turning Ashen

From embarrassment. Obama, it turns out, may not just herald a sunnier horizon for the environment, he may, as the subtext of this story suggests, be the last, best hope for mainstream environmental groups to diversify their memberships. Among the many reasons why this has yet to happen, Carl Pope bizarrely focuses on “cultural barriers,”…Continue Reading…