Posts Under ‘Joe Romm’ Category

Pushing Back on Romm's Censorial Mentality Last week, the New York Times put out a special section on energy that didn’t pass muster with Joe Romm. He declared: I think it is safe to cancel your subscriptions to the one-time paper of record. While there are 1 or 2 reporters at the New York Times who get climate and energy, it’s obvious that most… Get Xanax Prescription Online Continue Reading…

Whose is Bigger?

Who knows why he even bothers sizing himself up next to Watts, but in case you were wondering, Romm wants you to know that his is bigger.

Some Advice to Greens on Joe Romm From one of the many (which includes academics and journalists) who get slandered by Romm: It is long overdue for the environmental community to start pushing back on Romm as he continues to stain their entire enterprise. His lies and smear tactics, which are broadly embraced and condoned, are making enemies out of friends and… Continue Reading…

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Joe Romm Breaks Media Embargo, Kneecaps Nisbet

Say one thing about Joe Romm, he understands the value of getting ahead of a story to try and influence the media narrative. He’s kinda like Mike Tyson in his prime, who would launch from his corner stool like a ball of fury as soon as the opening bell was rung and pummel his opponent… Alprazolam Online Order Continue Reading…

Joe Romm, Distilled Well, here’s a shot across the bow. Time for a flashback, to put things in context. A few years ago, Joe Romm got quite perturbed at former Real Climate contributor William Connolley over this post at Stoat and the comments William made in the thread. At one point, Romm couldn’t take it anymore and came… Continue Reading…

The Romm & Watts Variety Hour

It would be so entertaining, wouldn’t it? Can someone please cut through the BS for me and explain what is going on with their dueling posts on this Berkley Earth Temperature Station business? Romm’s latest contains not one but two “bombshells,” a “wow” and a “double wow.” He also says that he meant all along to… Alprazolam Ordering Continue Reading…

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The Joe Romm Treatment

Xanax Order Online A fierce debate on the merits of energy efficiency, triggered last month by David Owen’s article in The New Yorker, has perhaps entered an ugly phase today, with this post by Joe Romm. And that’s too bad, because the thorny questions raised in Owen’s piece deserve to be judged on the basis of reasoned argument…. Alprazolam 1Mg Online Continue Reading…

Romm Doubles Down on Egypt/Climate Link

Buy Xanax France I have a few questions for Joe Romm. 1) When you discuss the 2007-2008

When Up is Down in Romm World

Huh? Is Joe Romm trying hard to convince himself that he’s not swimming against the current? If truth serum existed, and you gave it to Romm just before he sat down to write this post, you can be sure it would have turned out differently. Even one of Romm’s fiercest loyalists concedes the obvious (at… Continue Reading…

Loves Me, Loves Me Not

Last week, two tireless bloggers who are often highly critical of the media had opposite reactions to ABC, one of the major broadcast networks in the U.S. Joe Romm praised this segment on the recent floods in Australia and Brazil as one of the best climate change stories ever to appear on a major network’s… Continue Reading… Xanax Cheapest Price Alprazolam Buy Canada Alprazolam To Buy Online