Posts Under ‘carbon footprint’ Category

Perhaps Global Agricultural Trends aren't as Dire as We Thought

Many people working in the global sustainability arena tend to be focused on one of two knotty issues: 1) climate change or 2) food security.  The former is devilish because we have to figure out how to power the developing world while reducing our overall carbon footprint. The latter is also complex because we have…Continue Reading…

Carbon Footprint Boomerang

Felix Salmon, a financial journalist who blogs for Reuters, attended a panel discussion earlier this week in Los Angeles at the Milken Institute, entitled, “Solving Climate Change: Plan B.” According to Salmon’s dispatch, the consensus view from the panelists was that “there’s essentially zero chance that a cap-and-trade bill will become law in the foreseeable future.” Well, that’s not exactly…Continue Reading…

Faux Deprivation

I gotta say, I’m really floored by the level of sacrifice exhibited here. No new clothes for a year! Wow. But as far as such eco-gimmicks go, it doesn’t begin to approach this one. Seriously, I would have been more impressed if the Guardian writer had become a Freegan for a month, or swore off…Continue Reading…