Posts Under ‘climate bloggers’ Category

The Heartland Strategy Memo

If you’re following the Peter Gleick/Heartland Institute saga, you know this story likely has a few more twists and turns. Or as journalist Marc Gunther puts it: This story will get worse before it gets better. There remains the sticky problem of a “climate strategy” memo which appears to be a forgery, for a host of… Continue Reading…

A Climate Hawk Gets Real

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Conservative Pushback on Republican Fanaticism Jon Huntsman’s callout of Texas Governor Rick Perry’s controversial statements on evolution and climate change has garnered much attention and highlighted what Andrew Revkin at Dot Earth calls “the fundamental Republican science problem.” Meanwhile, in a similar vein, but flying under the radar of the national media, another Republican governor has recently said Huntsman-like things about climate change that… Continue Reading…

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Working the Refs In his recent widely publicized Rolling Stone essay, former Vice President Al Gore harshly criticized media coverage of global warming. He compared  journalists to referees of “professional” wrestling. Some mainstream reporters who regularly write about climate change objected. But climate scientists nodded approvingly, as did Joe Romm, who called Gore’s essay a “devastating critique” and piled on: I… Continue Reading…

Of Climate Pragmatists and Climate Moralists Last week, when news broke about NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s $50 million donation to the Sierra Club’s anti-coal campaign, I noted that his rationale was based largely on public health considerations and NOT global warming. I wrote: Imagine that. Leaving climate change out of the argument. I wonder if the climate moralists will beat their chests in indignation,… Continue Reading…

Climate Capo Watch

In the absurdist precincts of the climate blogosphere, certain gatekeepers take offense when their icons and orthodoxy are challenged. I’ve previously referred to these partisan gatekeepers as climate capos. So earlier today when Andy Revkin challenged conservative columnist George Will to be intellectually consistent, the response from climate capos was immediate and predictably cartoonish.

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A Climate Plea From the Liberal Camp Stop saying everything is because of climate change. Just stop it. The “weatherdude” implores the Daily Kos community.

Climate Thugs With Glass Chins

Get Online Xanax Prescription Like most bullies, partisan bloggers that use intimidation tactics don’t like it when they get called out. The latest instance is Marc Morano, who, in response to a post I put up this morning, has already countered at Climate Depot: Warmist Kloor: ‘The Morano Gauntlet’: ‘GOP contenders for Pres. will be forced to run the Morano gauntlet… Continue Reading…

Saving Civilization

Over at the new incarnation of Think Progress, Brad Johnson has given himself a tall order. He also sets down what he calls the “new reality”: The Kyoto Protocol is in shambles, greenhouse pollution is at record levels, and climate disasters are growing in frequency and intensity. To preserve the promise of civilization, we must start anew. My guess… Order Xanax Online Australia Continue Reading…

Chris Mooney Spins Himself Dizzy Over Nisbet

What world is Chris Mooney living in? In his latest attempt to spin the Matthew Nisbet report into something it’s not, Mooney is pleased to announce that this Miller-McCune “story came out quite well,” which extensively quotes him. Well, I think the story on Nisbet’s report was fair and turned out quite well, too. How about… Continue Reading…

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