Posts Under ‘Robert Kennedy Jr.’ Category

Why Vaccine and GMO Denial Should be Treated Equally Earlier this year, two writers at Mother Jones noted: It’s easy to find bad information about the safety of vaccines on the internet. True, that. It’s also easy to find bad information about the safety of GMOs on the internet. What puzzles me is why liberal outlets recognize “bad information” about vaccines but not GMOs. (Grist is now a… Continue Reading…

Reactions to the Kennedy Profile My recent Washington Post magazine piece on Robert Kennedy Jr. has prompted numerous reactions in media outlets, on Twitter, and in the blogosphere. Generally speaking, readers have found the story both compelling and maddening. What folks seem to be divided on is how Kennedy comes off in the story. Laura Helmuth at Slate says I… Continue Reading…

Deliberating Over Kennedy's Thimerosal Book Last September, Robert Kennedy Jr. and Mark Hyman received a letter from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It pertained to a “report” that Kennedy, an environmental attorney and Hyman, a medical doctor,  had sent to federal health officials on the dangers of thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative once commonly used in pediatric vaccines… Continue Reading…

Kennedy's New Book on Supposed Dangers of Thimerosal This weekend I have a profile on Robert Kennedy Jr. in the Washington Post magazine. During our numerous conversations over the phone and in person, I found him to be candid, self-deprecating, and unshakably confident in his belief that thimerosal was a dangerous ingredient that should not be in vaccines. (It was phased out of U.S. pediatric… Continue Reading…

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Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Anti-Science? I’m looking forward to seeing the video and transcript of Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s keynote speech at this year’s AutismOne/Generation Rescue conference. This is the annual confab of the anti-vaccine movement, where all the diehards gather to share their latest pseudoscience, quack therapies and conspiracy theories. Last year’s keynote address was given by actress Jenny McCarthy…. Buy Zolpidem Tartrate Uk Continue Reading… Order Generic Ambien Buy Clonazepam Online Buy Herbal Ambien Clonazepam For Panic Attacks Order Ambien Cr Online Ambien Cheap Overnight