Posts Under ‘blogs’ Category

Let's Get It On Okay, don’t get any wrong ideas here. I am just trying to set the mood for the new commenting system that I know will make our conversations flow much better. On the subject of comment threads, I suggest folks take a few minutes to read this excellent post by Bora Zivkovic, the blog maestro at… Continue Reading…

Breaking Down That Wall

While reading the intro to the new SciAm blog network (launched today), this caught my eye: We are trying to eliminate the artificial line between “blogging” and “journalism” and focus on good, accurate writing, no matter what form it comes in or what software is used to produce it. Our bloggers are a part of… Buy Ambien Online India Continue Reading…

This Blog Life

Purchase Clonazepam Online Can I just share with you the exciting life of a journalist blogger? It’s way cool. But you already know that, because we tell you when we’re heading off to conferences in Doha, or returning from other ones held in southern California resort hotels. You also know about all the book tour stops and speaking… Continue Reading…

Some News

Ambien Online Sales And this is for real. So I’m opening up a new shop in the blogosphere. (To add to this one.) I’m teaming up with the Climate Central outfit, which is nonpartisan and staffed by people I have tremendous respect for, such as science journalists Michael Lemonick and Andrew Freedman. (My friend Tom Yulsman also writes… Continue Reading…

Who Are You? A couple of months ago, I started thinking about a way to deal with anonymous commenters who are regulars at this site. This is mainly because I like to engage in comment threads but I’ve also become annoyed that many of the people I interact with are unknown to me. It’s made me feel increasingly… Continue Reading…

Blog Fungus

Is anyone linking to me besides roughneckworld, and (including its essential toefungusremoval/video)? Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about expanding my audience…

The Idiots Got to Him At the end of the day, it wasn’t the lefty/socialist/Marxist world domination cabal that got to Jeff Id: The idiots pushed me over the edge tonight. So Jeff’s turning his blog spurs in. I will miss him. Really. I need good foils. Seriously, I’ve read Jeff’s blog enough to know he has a young family,… Continue Reading…

Our Uncivil Climate (Debate)

Ambien Tablets Online Maybe I’m whistling Dixie with this modest attempt to bridge the climate divide. Consider what Nicholas Kristof wrote last year, in an op-ed column titled, The Daily Me: there’s pretty good evidence that we generally don’t truly want good information “” but rather information that confirms our prejudices. We may believe intellectually in the clash… Continue Reading…

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Reporters Gone Wild

Zolpidem Sleeping Tablets Buy Are traditional journalists who take a vow of objectivity walking around like libido-suppressed priests? Except that reporters struggle to keep a lid on their opinions? Here’s Matt Welch, a former UPI reporter, on the Helen Thomas eruption: I am tempted to feel bad for an 89-year-old lady getting caught in what might be passed off… Continue Reading…

The Art of Commenting

I’m ambivalent about the value of blog comments. Part of me loves Andrew Sullivan’s blog because he spares us from having to wade through the bushels of crap he undoubtedly receives– though Sullivan often highlights and edits the best of his reader emails in a way that provides excellent counter-perspective to a particular topic or… Continue Reading…

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