Monthly Archives : April 2011

Flogging the Climate Dog

At first I dismissed this crude post from Brad Johnson at Think Progress on Thursday as just another unfortunate example of an overexcited climate blogger looking to score some cheap political points. Then, on the same day, I read this from scientist Peter Gleick at the Huffington Post: Violent tornadoes throughout the southeastern U.S. must…Continue Reading…

Climate Doom Fatigue

Over at Climate Central, I ask: Can we have a sustainable conversation on climate change?

Former BBC Reporter Pulls Back the Curtain

UPDATE: I just noticed this talk is a year old. Still, it’s pretty fascinating. Anyone interested in how the journalistic sausage gets made in the UK, about the cozy relationship between British reporters and politicians, about how climate change gets covered in the media, should watch this revealing talk by  Sarah Mukherjee, who until recently was…Continue Reading…

The Art of Graceful Collapses

On a recent post of mine at Climate Central, one reader left an impassioned comment that sounded as if he considered overpopulation to be the greatest threat to humanity. I’m going to break it up into three parts. Here’s the challenge, as he explained it: An even more overlooked problem is overpopulation (defined as living…Continue Reading…

Climate Bait

Michael Levi sounds almost bemused as he’s filleting the authors of this argument for a carbon tax: These are very smart guys. The puzzle for me, then, is why they believe what they’ve written. I can’t help but think that there’s a case of climate change myopia at work. A big slice of the political spectrum…Continue Reading…

The Energy Wonk Fight Is Missing a Key Player

This is good that The Breakthrough Institute (TBI) is calling out the Heritage Foundation. Even better would be if TBI’s Post-Partisan Power collaborator, the American Enterprise Institute, pushed back, too. Or is this a fight that Steven Hayward would rather avoid? I guess it depends on how strongly he feels about that part in the Post-Partisan…Continue Reading…

Birthers and Climate Denial

Over at Dot Earth, Andy Revkin engages in some hippie punching. (I’m being facetious–that’s David Roberts’ favorite term for anyone who criticizes progressives on climate politics and policy.) Here’s Revkin making an equivalence between “Birthers” and a segment of the climate community that remains stuck in its own echo chamber: It’s easy to forget that…Continue Reading…

Biosphere 2 Has a New Mission

Ever wondered what came of this famous science experiment in the Arizona desert? As Allen Breed in an AP story this week recalls, Jane Poynter and seven compatriots agreed to spend two years sealed inside a 3-acre terrarium in the Sonoran Desert. Their mission back in the 1990s: To see whether humans might someday be able to…Continue Reading…

The Frankenstein Candidate

This headline says it all: Ron Paul hates energy subsidies, doubts climate change, and loves riding his bike

Arab Revolts & the Climate Connection

Over at Climate Central, I discuss this recent essay that argues climate change has “played a necessary role” in the uprisings sweeping through the Arab world since January.