Posts Under ‘George Monbiot’ Category

Ebenezer Monbiot

George Monbiot is a terrific green Scrooge. Last week, the UK’s most popular and widely read environmental writer penned a cheery new column titled, “The Kiss of Death.” (The headline in the Guardian version is not quite so black.)  In it, he rails against the culture of consumerism and advises people to stop buying (for… Continue Reading…

Green Woo

Cheapest Ambien Generic It’s really a shame that the U.S. environmental community doesn’t have anyone with the chops or reputation of George Monbiot, the popular British columnist. Monbiot, who has a high profile perch at the Guardian, combines essential talents for a communicator: He is lucid, engaging, and smart. He is also not afraid to call out his… Continue Reading…

The Scrambled Politics of Nuclear Power

We are living in strange times. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a conservative politician and until a few months ago, a longtime supporter of nuclear power, has vowed to shutter her nation’s 17 nuclear reactors and make renewable power, such as wind and solar, Germany’s dominant source of energy by 2030. Meanwhile, staunch British environmentalist George Monbiot, the… Continue Reading…

Bulldozing a Path for Nuclear Power At Climate Central, I take stock of Monbiot’s recent onslaught against the anti-nuclear movement. Check it out and chime in over there. **** P.S.- The RSS feed for Frontier Earth is now fixed. Also, comments will be approved promptly (except when I’m asleep!).

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Monbiot Goes Nuclear George Monbiot is on quite a tear. His latest riposte begins: Over the last fortnight I’ve made a deeply troubling discovery. The anti-nuclear movement to which I once belonged has misled the world about the impacts of radiation on human health. The claims we have made are ungrounded in science, unsupportable when challenged, and wildly wrong…. Cheap Ambien Cr Continue Reading…

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Monbiot Battles 'Hippywash' Well, George, I did warn you. Here is Monbiot, sounding gobsmacked by the outcry to his recent pro-nuclear power column: The accusations have been so lurid that I had to read my article again to reassure myself that I hadn’t written the things that so many of my correspondents say I wrote. Not everyone is foaming… Continue Reading…

The Lonely Hearts Club

It wasn’t that long ago that George Monbiot was accusing Stewart Brand of running the most insidious and subtle exercise in corporate propaganda I have yet encountered. I thought it was a tad hyperbolic. But that was then. It turns out that both of these environmentalist icons share remarkably similar views on nuclear power, coal, and… Continue Reading…

Monbiot: The Gentleman Thug Have you ever known someone too proud or pigheaded to admit he was wrong? Let’s say it was a particular claim this person made, that turned out to be false, but which the person couldn’t admit to getting wrong.  Would this then lead you to think that the person’s stubbornness in this one instance masks… Continue Reading…

Monbiot vs Brand, Cont'd It’s pretty one-sided, with George Monbiot continuing to land all the punches. But in going for the knockout, Monbiot swings and misses hugely. Here’s why. At the end of his latest takedown of Stewart Brand, Monbiot selectively lists some of Brand’s corporate clients, setting up what Monbiot thinks are the following two death blows: When… Continue Reading…

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