Monthly Archives : August 2011

Two Narratives

I think it’s safe to say that Drew Westen, in his recent NYT essay, channels the disappointment and anger felt by many liberal democrats these days. He argues that President Obama should have given this speech on Inauguration Day in 2009: “I know you’re scared and angry. Many of you have lost your jobs, your…Continue Reading…

Orac's Tic

Nobody in the blogosphere takes on the anti-vaccine movement with more passion than Orac, who is a surgeon and biomedical researcher. Stylistically, Orac is a bit long-winded for my taste, but his thoroughness is admirable and appreciated. While some may disapprove of his acidic tone, his persistent deconstruction of the arguments and propaganda advanced by the…Continue Reading…

How Surreal is Somalia?

“It’s kind of this post-modern, science fiction chaos,” said J. Peter Pham, an expert on Somalia with the Atlantic Council, a Washington, D.C., think tank. That description comes from a weekend article in the Buffalo News. It’s actually a profile of an anonymous NY state bureaucrat that opens this way: His first day back to work was…Continue Reading…


Carl Zimmer coins a term and it catches fire on Twitter. Some examples: @carlzimmer I point to the increase in global warming and I point to porn. That is all. #greenfieldism @carlzimmer I point to the deliciousness of waffles and I point to Belgians. That’s all. #greenfieldism @carlzimmer I point to climate change and I point to a dramatic decrease…Continue Reading…

"This is a Man-Made Disaster"

Gore Derangement Syndrome

Conservatives had a bad case of Clinton derangement in the 1990s. Liberals caught the same bug with Bush in the 2000s. Marc Morano doesn’t really have Gore Derangement Syndrome. He just works hard at feeding the deranged who are afflicted with it. To whit, see his spread at Climate Depot today. It’s nearly an unbroken…Continue Reading…

Climate Change & Famine

A Guardian blog called “Poverty Matters” carries a headline that I find obscene: Is Climate Change to blame for the famine in the Horn of Africa? I might have taken a charitable view towards this provocative headline if the actual post included discussion of Somalia, where the famine is hitting hardest.  You probably have seen…Continue Reading…

Some Beach Reading

Via Dan Vergano at USA Today: Summer is the season for comic book heroes: Green Lantern, Captain America and of course, the late physicist Richard Feynman. Feynman doesn’t have a movie out for August, but this month brings the debut of the graphic novel Feynman by writer Jim Ottaviani and illustrator Leland Myrick. In classic comic book form, they chronicle the mind-blowing adventures…Continue Reading…


Jeepers, Anthony. Your language is right out of Andy Griffith and Dennis the Menace, but your storyline is pure Morano. Gee willickers, for some real cussing, sit down and enjoy this classic.

Working the Refs

In his recent widely publicized Rolling Stone essay, former Vice President Al Gore harshly criticized media coverage of global warming. He compared  journalists to referees of “professional” wrestling. Some mainstream reporters who regularly write about climate change objected. But climate scientists nodded approvingly, as did Joe Romm, who called Gore’s essay a “devastating critique” and piled on: I…Continue Reading…