The Daily Climate Bummer

Has Glenn Beck peaked? In his NYT column today, David Carr thinks so and here’s why:

The problem with “Glenn Beck” is that it has turned into a serial doomsday machine that’s a bummer to watch.

There’s a lesson there for some climate bloggers.

6 Responses to “The Daily Climate Bummer”

  1. harrywr2 says:

    I’m a Republican and I find Beck increasingly difficult to watch. It’s like every few months he ups the level of intensity.
    A year ago I could watch and say he was ‘rallying the base’ or deliberately trying to upset the progressives.
    Now I have no idea what he is doing.

  2. Sashka says:

    There’s a lesson there for some climate bloggers.
    Not the lesson that they can learn, though.

  3. anon says:

    Nothing that wasn’t foretold in the 70s documentary, Network. It’s just sad we are repeating history.

  4. Jonathan Gilligan says:

    So the reason the public is turning off Beck is because his message is negative, not because the public can see that he’s completely and comically out of touch with reality?

  5. max says:

    Yes, yes, I recall how he lost almost a million viewers in early 2010 and only had about 2million left.  I also recall how he lost another  1/2  million viewers in October 2010 and only had 2 million or so left.   Now he’s lost almost another million and only has about 2 million left.  Last May he lost so many that he was down to less than 1.8 million on some nights.  Now he’s lost a million more viewers and only has about 2 million left.
    Been here before, done it, bought the tee-shirt.  An unscrupulous person might even say that Beck has about 2 million regular viewers and can draw more at times.

  6. Pascvaks says:

    As a rose is a rose is a rose, so too a nervous breakdown is a nervous breakdown is a nervous breakdown… the lesson for both sides of the crazy Global “Whatever” Mob bell curve is that the more you repeat yourself and the louder you scream the more people ignore you.  All Hail The Mighty Middle!!!

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