Posts Tagged ‘pseudoscience’

How to Engage with Popular Messengers who Exploit Fears?

If you are late to the Food Babe phenomenon, by which I mean the rise of a food activist named Vani Hari, there are no shortage of recent media articles exploring her fame. The Atlantic profile is among the best, because it is not judgmental and it gives voice to the science-based critics who are exasperated by…Continue Reading…

Gary Null, Cultivator of Dangerous Woo, Plants Seeds of Death

There was a time when Gary Null, a popular alternative health speaker and author, was the Deepak Chopra of nutrition. He’s written best-selling books (one of them about reversing the aging process) and like Chopra, has been featured by PBS during fundraising drives. Nearing 70, Null was in the news several years ago when he sued…Continue Reading…