Posts Tagged ‘nuclear power’

Eco-Pragmatism Takes Root at NYT Editorial Page This is notable: The dangers of nuclear power are real, but the accidents that have occurred, even Chernobyl, do not compare to the damage to the earth being inflicted by the burning of fossil fuels — coal, gas and oil. That’s from an editorial in today’s New York Times, which will make for uncomfortable reading… Continue Reading…

What is the Future for Eco-Pessimists and Pro-Nuke Greens?

George Monbiot, Britain’s most popular environmental writer, has arrested himself. Four prominent climate scientists recently issued a pleading letter to greens to stop opposing nuclear power. And now an influential non-profit that for years has focused on climate change is all but begging that we not close down aging nuclear reactors. What the hell is going on? I… Continue Reading…

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Should the Precautionary Principle Shut Down Wind Turbines? In 2012 Scientific American asked: Are Wind Turbines Getting More Bird and Bat-Friendly? In case you weren’t aware, wind energy has an ecological downside that’s hasn’t yet been smoothed out. As AP reporter Dina Cappiello wrote earlier this year, “the green industry is allowed to do not so green things”: It kills protected species with impunity and conceals the… Continue Reading…

If I Were a Coal Executive If I were a coal executive I wouldn’t worry about a solar and wind revolution (see Germany’s Energiewende) or President Obama putting me out of business. I’d be worried about the shale gas revolution (and I’d hope environmentalists were successful in stopping it). If I were a coal executive, I’d want fear to continue dominating public discussion of nuclear… Continue Reading…

Study: Nuke Power Has Saved Millions of Lives. Media Yawns.

Order Clonazepam With Fast Shipping When James Hansen, the newly-retired NASA scientist talks, people who care deeply about energy and climate change pay attention. For example, when Hansen says “game over” for the climate if Canada’s oil sands get developed, people take to the streets. When he publishes a study that says global warming has caused recent heat waves and… Continue Reading…

Solving the Energy Equation Everybody knows the global politics of climate change are leading nowhere.  If the futile UN-sponsored talks illustrates one thing, it is that no country is willing to make economic sacrifices to reduce its carbon emissions. Roger Pielke Jr. calls this the iron law of climate policy. It’s proving ironclad. That essentially leaves us with one option:… Order Clonazepam For Anxiety Continue Reading…

The Anti-Science Tent

Ambien Brand Name Online The British environmental writer Mark Lynas gave a speech recently that opened with this remarkable mea culpa: I want to start with some apologies. For the record, here and upfront, I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in… Continue Reading…

George Monbiot Objects to my Slate Piece George Monbiot is throwing a twitter fit, claiming that I’ve used a quote of his out of context in my current Slate piece. He’s asserting that I’ve conflated his repudiation of anti-nuclear greens with a repudiation of anti-GMO greens. I disagree and have told him so. He also seems to think that I’ve done this… Continue Reading…

Ripple Effects

Online Ambien Prescription So what are the broader cultural, political and economic ripples of the German nuclear phase-out? On the one hand, it will send a signal to the world that nuclear is dated and dangerous and that switching it off is a greater priority than limiting carbon emissions as swiftly as possible. It will also damage the… Continue Reading…

What a Green Modernist Would Say I know the environmental movement will have truly matured when the leader of a big mainstream green group can say something like this: We won’t meet the carbon targets if nuclear [power] is taken off the table. That’s from Jeff Sachs, director of Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Here’s the opening to the Guardian story: Combating climate… Continue Reading…

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