Posts Tagged ‘media’

The Climate Cocoon

Do your web habits and political leanings make for an online diet that reinforce your biases? Probably not, if you’re a regular reader of this blog. 🙂 Well, actually, such intellectual cocooning is something we all need to watch out for, as I discuss in my latest post for the Yale Forum on Climate Change…Continue Reading…

A New Narrative is Born

Over at the Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media, I ask how reporters and bloggers can most responsibly handle the climate/weather connections while the evidence is still being gathered and interpreted. Check it out and offer your suggestions over there.

The Press Makes for an Easy Punching Bag

My latest post at the Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media is on the bipartisan press bashing habit. Have a look and flog me over there.

Tweet of the Day

It’s from yesterday, but what the hell: How the perception of media bias by biased people has grown even more biased  Brilliant!

The Media as Scapegoat

They’re a little late to the game, but the Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media finally gets around to reviewing Matthew Nisbet’s Climate Shift report released in April, which triggered an unhinged response from a handful of popular climate bloggers . (I wrote about that here and here.) The myth of the media…Continue Reading…

The Climate Knowledge Gap

Richard Harris of NPR has a story that explores why Americans are so ignorant about climate change. Here’s how it begins: The American public is less likely to believe in global warming than it was just five years ago. Yet, paradoxically, scientists are more confident than ever that climate change is real and caused largely by…Continue Reading…

Nobody Likes a Critic

If you missed it, here’s the (full) exchange between Jon Stewart and Chris Wallace on Fox News. It’s a must see.

The Media as Piñata

If there is one deeply held sentiment in the climate debate that is shared by bloggers and commentators of all stripes, it is this: journalists suck. It’s a constant refrain at places like Climate Progress and WUWT. But really the sentiment is widespread in the climate blogosphere, so much so that an alien visiting from…Continue Reading…

Global Warming Flashback

Leo Hickman at the Guardian unearths a time capsule. He asks of his readers: But does anyone remember this advert from 1993, let alone a resulting controversy? And if shown again today on primetime television, would it go uncontested? In an update at the end of his post, Hickman reports that only two complaints were…Continue Reading…

Idiot Watch

Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, a fan of Climate Progress or WUWT, an atheist or pious believer, a postal worker or tenured professor, here is something you all will probably agree on: We are not just ruled by idiots, we are reported on by idiots too.