Posts Tagged ‘Grist’

Romm Shocked at Grist's Audacity

How pissed is Joe Romm at Grist? Plenty. Their decision to act more like a journalistic outlet than a one-note activist clearinghouse (in this instance) now makes it harder for him to make statements like this (in bold, of course): I can’t imagine why any serious journalist would cite the work of The Breakthrough Institute…Continue Reading…

What Happened to Grist?

Kudos to Grist for posting this rebuttal. I actually suggested such a thing yesterday on their site. Probably a coincidence. More likely they acted after seeing the dueling Huffington posts between Romm and TBI. Anyway, maybe this augurs a new chapter in Grist’s reincarnation as…a more diverse group blog. I wish they never went in…Continue Reading…

Buyer's Remorse

Grist seems to have a bad case of buyer’s remorse these days. There was plenty of fiery debate on the Waxman-Markey climate bill in the weeks leading up to its passage out of committee. But if you’re a regular reader of Grist you only heard one side of that debate, mainly a vigorous defense/rationalization of…Continue Reading…