Posts Tagged ‘extremism’

The Extremism that Thwarts Peace and Promotes War

In 2012, science writer John Horgan published a book called The End of War. Its premise is that we have it in ourselves to tame our violent impulses, at least enough to stop waging large-scale, collective war. At first blush, this notion seems as quixotic and naive as a famous John Lennon and Yoko Ono…Continue Reading…

Filling the Void

“We are at the beginning of a great storm that is about to sweep the country,” predicts Abduh Rehman, who directs the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. He’s not referring to the current Taliban insurgency in Pakistan, but to the madrasas that poor Pakistani families are increasingly relying on to feed and house their children….Continue Reading…

Pakistan's Ticking Time Bomb

Looks like we got ourselves a long-term situation in Pakistan. As Tod Preston points out, among the many challenges confronting the nation””including a growing Taliban insurgency“”one significant problem remains largely undiscussed: its rapidly expanding population. In his post at The New Security Beat, Preston notes that Pakistan’s population nearly quadrupled from 50 million in 1960…Continue Reading…