Posts Tagged ‘civil discourse’

The Bipartisan Climate Project

The overwhelming consensus is that President Obama hit all the right notes in his Tucson speech earlier this week. I know I was moved and inspired by it. On the one hand the President said, “let us remember it is not because a simple lack of civility caused this tragedy — it did not,” but…Continue Reading…

Let's Wait Till the Fever Breaks

About that futility I was going on about yesterday, Kevin Drum nails it: Are the fever dreams of the right worse than the fever dreams of the left? I’d say they obviously are, but that’s a matter for evidence and argument, not listicles. But nobody on the right is ever going to acknowledge this anyway….Continue Reading…

Words Matter

Steve Walt at Foreign Policy makes his case: One problem, of course, is that causality in a case like this is always murky. When someone arrives at a public event and starts shooting people, how do we determine the relative weight of mental illness, personal experience, opportunity, lax gun-control laws, and the toxic soup of…Continue Reading…

A Climate Proposal

A self-proclaimed left/liberal/Democrat extends an olive branch to Republicans and climate skeptics: Yes, I have the perception that your side is worse.  Yes, I understand that your side has the perception that my side is worse.  Great.  Can we both agree to back off a little? We’ll continue to try to make the case that…Continue Reading…