Congressional Climate Chum

Ordering Zolpidem Online Via Judith Curry, I see  there is an announcement for a new round of Capitol Hill-sponsored theatrics. The scheduled hearing is titled:

Order Ambien Online Canada Climate Change: Examining the processes used to create science and policy That’s going to be quite a show, given the deliberate bundling of science and policy. Roger Pielke Jr. should be able to feast on this one, while the witness list will provide fodder for one of those head-in-vice posts from this guy…just about any minute.

My view: anything that puts climate change in the busy headlines these days should probably be cheered by those who want to keep the issue alive in the public’s mind.

7 Responses to “Congressional Climate Chum”

  1. lucia says: I notice Romm’s evidence that Romm is “author of widely debunked books” points to an article where Romm tells us he doesn’t lie the book.  I believe Romm has used similar tactics to show that Pielke has been “widely debunked”.  Am I mistaken, or has Romm ‘debunked’ you in a similar manner.

  2. Keith Kloor says:

    Order Clonazepam With Fast Shipping I’m not sure what you mean, but it does appear that Romm “debunks” people who tend to recommend different policy and/or political prescriptions than him.
  3. Ed Forbes says:

    “…My view: anything that puts climate change in the busy headlines these days should probably be cheered by those who want to keep the issue alive in the public’s mind…”

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  4. peetee says:

    Buying Zolpidem Online @lucia #1: why I do believe Muller “widely debunks” himself with this ringing endorsement of that book… as referenced from his personal website:
  5. PDA says: I notice Romm’s evidence that Romm is “author of widely debunked books” points to an article where Romm tells us he doesn’t lie the book   Can I Buy Ambien Online Legally I’ve definitely posted my share of typos and poorly-constructed sentences, but I’m afraid I can’t parse this at all.
  6. lucia says: PDA– You’re right.  “lie” should be “like” and the 2nd Romm, “Muller”.  I think I can claim “like”->”lie” is a typo. “Muller”->”Romm”… pretty pathetic on my part.   I notice Romm’s evidence that Muller is “author of widely debunked books” points to an article where Romm tells us he doesn’t lie the book

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