Let's Get It On

I’d pay to see this, but I’m almost certain that Romm won’t accept.  He’s built himself up by tearing down anyone who dissents from his views on climate change. And he’s done it from the comforts of his home. Why leave that zone of safety? Why leave the bosom of the echo chamber he’s created with Climate Progress?

But we’ll see. Maybe Romm will back up his bluster and show some cojones. If not, I agree with Pielke Jr., here:

If instead of a moderated public debate, Joe wants to hide behind his heavily censored blog and lob insults, that should tell us something also.

4 Responses to “Let's Get It On”

  1. Steve Bloom says:

    Ooh, a cojones reference.  Plumping for more traffic from the ladies, Keith?

    Also, as I’ve patiently explained to you before, the idea is to keep RP Jr. and his many counter-productive ideas as far away as possible from any influence over public policy.  For Joe or any other representative of the Center for American Progress to debate him would have the exact opposite effect regardless of the outcome of the debate.  It’s the same reason Gore wouldn’t debate Lomborg.

  2. Keith Kloor says:

    Actually, Joe described his reasoning perfectly, when he said there would be “no upside” for him. Shows you that even shrill smear artists know how to be calculating.

    You and Romm know perfectly well how respected RPJ is–along with your other bogeymen at The Breakthrough Institute.  That’s why Romm is so relentless with his slime attacks. You throw enough slime up on the wall and hope something sticks. But all he does is demean himself by acting this way. And undermine his own credibility. I’d bet that saner heads over at CAP have tried (and failed) to get him to understand this.

  3. Steve Bloom says:

    Yeah, in between running the Obama transition and accompanying Bill Clinton to N. Korea, Joe’s boss just doesn’t have the time for disciplining employees.

  4. Steve Bloom says:

    BTW, check this out.  You can get back to me after you’ve had the chance to fully develop the concept of the respected attention whore. 

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