The Electric Car Boomlet

Xanax Australia Buy Guest post by Jess Scanlon As the summer driving season kicks off with Memorial Day weekend, more cars than ever will be skipping the gas station in favor of electric charging ones. These include the 88 Tesla “supercharger” stations in the United States. Tesla is the high-end option of the modest but growing electric car industry. The company produces sporty roadsters (such as the one pictured above) and high-end sedans, like its Model S (prices start at $70,000), which Consumer Reports last year rated a “nearly perfect car.”

The most recent Tesla Supercharger station, debuted in April in Hamilton Township, New Jersey, a suburb of Trenton located near exit 7A of the New Jersey Turnpike, a road many drivers will use this weekend on their way to the Jersey Shore. It is part of  Tesla’s expanding coast to coast network of free electric charging stations.


So who killed the electric car?

Okay, that was then, this is now. In 2010, 19 electric cars were sold in the U.S. Last year, that number jumped to about 96,000. But it’s worth noting that hybrids—which have a fuel tank and electric components–still rule the green-conscious car buyer market. Nearly 500,000 hybrid vehicles were sold in 2013, including popular favorites like the Toyota Prius and Chevy Volt. But Tesla’s design and performance has won it a passionate fan base. (Wall Street loves the company, and so too does a well known cartoonist) Last year, after John Broder, a New York Times reporter, wrote about his experience driving a Tesla Model S that ended in the vehicle stalling on the road, angry Tesla fans and CEO Elon Musk accused him of faking the story. The uproar was such that Margaret Sullivan, the NYT public editor, felt compelled to address the charges. She concluded: “I am convinced that he took on the test drive in good faith, and told the story as he experienced it.” When the New Jersey Tesla charging station had its ribbon cutting last month, Tesla owners and fans came out by the dozens to check it out and the cars they drew in. Proud owners preened in front off their sleek Model S sedans and Roadsters, while drivers waited patiently to charge their vehicles.

Stations like these are an example of the growing infrastructure available for electric vehicles.  This is made possible by the local electric grid. In New Jersey, the power in those lines comes from natural gas, including fracked gas, from neighboring Pennsylvania and other states, and nuclear power plants in state. Despite fossil fuels being a partial source for the vehicles’ electricity, electric cars still produce fewer emissions per vehicle than conventional cars according to reports by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). See this NRDC post for more on that and also for a link to a handy tool from the U.S. Department of Energy that helps you determine if an electric car is the greener option in your area.

What would it cost if you wanted to join the growing ranks of electric car enthusiasts? The Tesla Model S can be had for a little more than $60,000 after tax credits. The partially electric Chevy Volt is yours for $34,000 before dealer taxes and tax credits. The Nissan Leaf is a relative bargain at $21,000 after the tax credits.

Bringing the price down would require additional tax breaks at both the federal and state level. Improvements in technology will also help to lower the cost just as it did for other devices such as computers and cell phones. Also, increased demand will scale up the manufacturing process, further reducing cost. Some companies are already planning to make their cars more affordable. Tesla, for example, plans to introduce a model in the $35,000 range, roughly half its current price. So is the electric car revolution underway?

Let’s not get carried away. The U.S. Department of Energy has predicted that electric cars won’t be taking over the roads anytime soon.

36 Responses to “The Electric Car Boomlet”

  1. mem_somerville says:

    I was trying to talk my housemate into splitting a lease on an electric Smart car, but he wouldn’t go for it. That seemed a possible way to try it out at lower cost.

    I could almost exist on car share too. But I need a kayak rack. There are still a few things that car share option won’t permit.

  2. First Officer says: How long does it take to charge a Tesla?

  3. Uncle Al says: Tesla Model S owners pay nothing at supercharger stations. It’s a free service included with the car. Obamunism is furious. How do you tax nothing?

  4. KoKotheTalkingApe says: I don’t know who you mean by “Obamunism,” but I was a paid Obama campaigner, and I and all my coworkers are strong supporters of electric cars. I would buy a Tesla in a hot minute if I could swing it. I am looking hard at the BMW 13 though! And I think reverse taxation (tax credits) for buying these cars should be INCREASED, DRASTICALLY. Obama himself is on record for strongly supporting the electric car industry, though all presidents have limited power (by design.)

  5. KoKotheTalkingApe says: Hm, that’s too bad. Do they not let you mount racks on careshare cars? Or is it to much trouble to remount and unmount every time?

  6. JH says:

    Increase tax credits on electric cars? It’s already 75 friggin’ hundred bucks! That’s “strongly supporting” if you ask me! A 12% give back to people who buy $60K vehicles, and 25% on a Leaf. Supporting someone, I’ll assure you.

  7. JH says:

    “The U.S. Department of Energy has predicted that electric cars won’t be taking over the roads anytime soon.” No doubt about that. For a Tesla, a standard public EV charger gives you 20 miles per hour of charge. The longest reasonable range between charges is about 240 miles (65mph). A Tesla Supercharger supposedly gives you “170 miles of range in as little as 30 min of charge”, but since the range increases dramatically as driving speed drops, it’s safe to say you won’t be getting 170 miles at Interstate speeds. Aside from that, the distribution of superchargers is pretty thin: I-5, Sea to LA; a few possibilities to travel in CO, UT, and AZ; a single cross-country route from Rapid City SD to Cleveland OH on I-90, then down to DC, and a nice east cost route from RI to Miami. When the charge time at a supercharger station gets to 15 minutes, the battery range at 75mph passes 300 miles, and there are 100x as many supercharging stations, you could see it being a practical vehicle. As it stands right now, it’s pretty much a Sunday touring kind of vehicle. All data:

  8. KoKotheTalkingApe says: True, it seems generous, but for comparison’s sake, I read a study that said the public benefits of reducing public spending and improving health could justify a 50% tax credit on electric cars (making that Tesla a $30K car). I.e., a 50% tax credit would be selfish, not generous, because it would help the public more than it costs the public. Tax credits on purchases are just another type of corporate welfare, just like grants of oil and mineral rights, corporate tax benefits, etc. It is hard to deny that the American car industry hasn’t enjoyed tremendous benefits on the public dole for many decades. This particular benefit just supports a particular industry before we are forced to support it, at much greater cost and much less effectiveness.

  9. WeaponZero says: It depends on what kind of supercharger, a 90kw or 120kw and soon to come 133kw. The 120kw supercharger charges 200 miles in 30 minutes. The 133kw will charge even faster. The amount of superchargers is growing every day. 100x as many superchargers is overkill. That would be a supercharger every 20 miles. 10-15X as many superchargers would be more than enough and cover every 50 miles. I would even put every 75 miles as acceptable.

    Cheap Xanax Bars Though end of the day 99.9% of charging would be done at home as only 0.1% of trips make up over 200 miles.

  10. WeaponZero says:

    Alprazolam Online Shopping The non-refundable 7.5k tax credit is set to expire when a manufacturer sells 200k cars eligible for the credit. At that point it begins to depreciate every quarter until it hits 0.

  11. JH says:

    Cheapest Xanax Prices Alprazolam Online “It depends on what kind of supercharger”
    Well, Tesla Woo Master, I guess you’ll have to straighten them out on the numbers they show on their website. 100x as many superchargers is overkill.
    There are over 150M licensed drivers in the US. 500 or even 5000 charging stations isn’t going to cut it. 99.9% of charging would be done at home
    See Interstate / Federal highway system. Between them there are 200,000 miles of highway – that’s not including state highways. It’s great for Tesla fans to plan their trips around chargers, but people in the real world want things the other way around.

  12. Viva La Evolucion says:

    Can I Buy Generic Xanax Online I like the idea of standard size swapable batteries for electric cars, maybe rectangular cube shaped around the size of a skateboard. Cars could have 3 or so of these easily removable, re-chargeable swapable batteries. Gas stations could easily be converted into hybrid gas station/ battery charging/swap out stations, where you drive up and swap out batteries, like swapping out a propane tank. The batteries could be charged with solar panels or wind generator that are added to the gas station.

  13. WeaponZero says:

    The numbers on their website take into account that you might have a 60kwh version of the car. Overall it is 80% charge in 30 minutes.

    There is a difference between the amount of terminals and the amount of charging locations. 500 charging stations would easily cut it if they have more than enough terminals at each charging stations. At this point each charging station has 4 – 12 terminals and they will most likely scale as more cars are sold. Because all 150M are not switching tomorrow. The point is that most people make trips 0.1% of the time over 200 miles. That said while there are 200,000 miles of highway, a lot of that is repetitive and a lot of them meet at same intersections. Overall if say you have 1 station per 50-75 miles it would easily provide full coverage. Just an fyi there are many place in the west where there are no gas stations for 100 miles even.

  14. Mark Renburke says: Why list the Tesla and LEAF prices after tax credits, but the Volt price before? That is just biased in a nutty way. The Volt will cost a new car buyer $27,495 after tax credit ($7,500). To be eligible for the full credit, a single person needs a taxable income of just ~$46k (~$55k married). Or in other words, most new car buyers will qualify.

  15. Mark Renburke says:

    At a supercharger station, It can charge from a 30% level to an 80% level in under 30 minutes, for an additional 150 to 180 miles more range, on average. Other types of stations and/or charges above the 80-90% state of charge will take longer overall. But the first scenario makes it possible to drive for ~3 hours, take a reasonable bathroom and snack break, and be on your way for another 3 or more hours driving. In this way, it is possible to easily cover 500+ miles in a day just like a conventional gasoline car on a highway trip.

  16. Mark Renburke says: It’s also worth noting that both the net priced ~$21k LEAF and ~$27k Volt have 5 year Total Cost of Ownerships lower than virtually any low end gasoline only “economy” car you can buy new. This is due to the thousands of dollars per year that the average driver will save on fuel, maintenance, and insurance (both cars are 5 star safety rated).

  17. hla says:

    You are all missing the bigger boom…electric motorcycles. Fast, quiet and with over 100 miles range between charges. My Zero S has completely replaced my car for my work commute…. $15,000.

  18. JH says:

    “The numbers on their website take into account that you might have a 60kwh version of the car. Overall it is 80% charge in 30 minutes.”
    I used the higher capacity battery for all my comparisons. “Overall it is 80% charge in 30 minutes.”
    Not according to Tesla. They claim a 50% charge in 30 minutes, or 170 miles. Again, the mileage depends on the speed that you travel. 170 miles on half a battery implies a speed of 45-50 mph.

    The point is that most people make trips 0.1% of the time over 200 miles.
    Even assuming that your 0.1% number isn’t pulled out of thin air, most people want a vehicle that can make longer trips as well.

    I’d love to see electrics emerge as a serious option. But to be a serious option, they have to be at least as useful as gas vehicles. Otherwise the represent a decline in living standards, even if they are cheaper.

  19. JH says:

    Why not look at the data for yourself instead of listening to the Tesla Enthusiasts?

  20. WeaponZero says:

    You don’t understand, the Tesla website uses the 60kwh version as a base. It is 50% in 20 minutes and 80% in 30 minutes. The site implies speeds of ~65 mph or EPA 5 cycle numbers.

    Can you really speak for anyone but yourself? I don’t think you can speak for “most people”. That said, the Tesla Model S is more than capable of making long distance trips with superchargers.

    EVs are more useful than gasoline vehicles. Just their usefulness differs in some aspects.

  21. KoKotheTalkingApe says:

    I am unhappy that the article doesn’t talk about a “boomlet” as promised in the headline. Is the boomlet in the number of e-car sales? Charging stations? What are those numbers? What is this “boomlet”? Who writes your clickbait headlines?

  22. JH says:

    I do understand. You’re not letting the site fully load. It takes a couple of minutes. After you let it load, you’ll see that the 60kwh battery slides to the right, exposing the 85kwh battery, which is shown in red with the path going through it, indicating it’s the battery for which the numbers are calculated. Immediately below the two batteries, the site says:

    “the largest battery supplies 265 miles of range in the EPA 5 cycle test”

    Below, if you adjust the speed to 65, you’ll see the milometer shows 261 mp charge, consistent with the text for the larger battery.

    Also, if you adjust the speed to 50mph, you’ll see that it claims 332 miles / charge for the larger battery. That’s consistent with their claim that the half charge yields 170 miles – but only at 50 mph, which they don’t tell you. @ 70 mph, the half charge would yield 120 miles, so if you’re interstate traveling you’d be stopping for a half-hour charge every 1.7 hours (100 min).

    That’s a lot of stopping. I have a Ford Ranger with a 6cyl. Typically I’ll go 300 miles between stops, so I can make a 600 mile trip with one 15 minute stop. (Say, Seattle to Missoula, MT, a fairly common trip).

    Starting with a fresh full charge in a Tesla at 70mph, you’ll stop twice for an hour if the charging stations are optimally spaced.

    But a quick look at the charging station spacing and you can see it’s well below optimal, It obviously has to be to account for variations in road conditions, temp and driving speed.

    No matter what you’re driving you’ll use more juice going from Houston to Denver than you will going from Denver to Houston. One way, you’re climbing 6000 feet, the other way you’re dropping 6000 feet. While you’re climbing, the prevailing winds will be against you; while you’re dropping, you’ll have a tailwind. The heavy battery will have a significant negative impact on range for that kind of climb, although the headwind issue can be engineered to some extent.

    All of that means that station spacing has to be far below that of maximum range optimization to make the vehicle convenient to drive, even without the 1-hr charge times.

  23. JH says:

    “Can you really speak for anyone but yourself?”

    Sure. I travel a lot. The highways are crowded, so obviously there are a lot of people out there making longer trips. I figure there’s a reason that there are gas stations every 30 miles or so throughout most of the US: people need them there. Are you going to fly from Billings to Havre for a weekend home from school? No, you’re going to drive. Are you going to fly for a business trip from Kingman to LA? No, you’re going to drive. Are you going to fly for a week-long coastal backpacking trip from Portland to La Push? No, you’re going to drive.

    Driving long distances is useful to millions of people in the US. It’s just that simple.

  24. WeaponZero says:

    Why are you adjusting to 50mph?

    I quote directly from Tesla’s website:

    “Superchargers provide half a charge in as little as 20 minutes and are strategically placed to allow owners to drive from station to station with minimal stops.”

    Half a charge is in 20 minutes! 80% charge in 30 minutes. Here is why it says 170 miles, if you have a 60kwh version it is 208 epa miles range at 65mph. 80% of 208 miles is around 170 miles.

    Tesla is spacing stations about 75 miles apart, more than adequate even in the scenarios you describe.

  25. JH says:

    The article says that EV sales went from 19 to 96000 from 2010-2013. It provides links to the data.

  26. WeaponZero says:

    Highways being crowded is not really a good example. Lets look at perspective, based on statistics the most travel is done during thanksgiving. About 10.3 million people travel per day during those times for distances over 50 miles.

    That means even during the most heavy traveled days, only 3.28% of people are traveling per day over 50 miles.

    80.6% of that are trips between 50-249 miles.

    Which means only about 2 million people travel 250 miles and over(0.6% of the population). While 250-499(12.8%) trips are mostly by car(above 60% but less than 70%), 499 miles and above are mostly by air.

    Again, even millions of people is not the same as MAJORITY of people. So again you can only speak for yourself.

  27. JH says:

    “170 miles of range in as little as 30 minutes of charge” That’s the 85 kwh battery.

    Scroll up. Adjust the speedo to 50 mph. You’ll see that gives you 332 miles of range or about twice the 170 miles of range in 30 minutes of charging. You’ll also see that this is the 85 kwh battery.

    Half charge in 20min = 75% charge in 30 min, not 80%. 75% of 208 miles is exactly 156 miles, so your math isn’t close.

    Note the “as little as” in the charging times, which implies that you won’t usually get that.

  28. JH says:

    And how many of those people take ONE trip over 200 miles in a year? How many of them even just want the OPTION to take ONE trip over 200 miles in a year without having to stop several times for an hour to fuel up, much less pay an extra $30-40K for the vehicle for the inconvenience? 🙂

    And try driving that Model S up a USFS road to a campground. Hilarious. Bring your fire extinguisher.

    Unfortunately, the numbers just don’t add up, no matter how you twist them.

  29. PaulFelixSchott says:

    SOLAR ENERGY to power the Earth, Number of EV’s to skyrocket.
    Over half a million gas stations on earth one closing everyday two a day going Electric Charging.


    America very soon to no longer run on Black Gold OIL. Nations all over Earth are going away from Oil.

    The day will come very soon there will be more Electric Charging Stations than gas.

    The richest People on Earth are going to SOLAR ENERGY.

    All of the world’s Oil CEO’s and World Oil Barons to lose a lot more then their shirts $$$$ and control over 100s of millions
    and ……….very soon to no longer live like kings.

    Doctors now going to SOLAR ENERGY were the MONEY IS as always.
    More Money in solar energy then the Sick and Poor.

    Doctors have now formed CAUSE (Californians Against Utilities Stopping solar Energy) and wicked leaders,
    what took them so long to come on board GOD Bless them for doing so..
    Solar Industry to Skyrocket with the help of Solar Shingles.


    Energy has driven the world for over a thousand years Wind, Hydro and Solar are the oldest forms of energy
    giving power to all smart enough to use it.

    In the last 200 years Coal, Oil and Nuclear has given energy to many worldwide and great power and wealth to
    only a few. At the cost of many lives in coal Mines, Oil Spills, Radiation, Cancer and Polluting the Air and
    Water on all of the Earth.

    Unfortunately for the wicked there is not an unlimited amount of oil on earth. Just the same as the Forest Trees
    that clean the air and make Oxygen we breath and all living on earth need to Live. As some in denial are not
    able to recognize or ever see or live with blinders on.

    Doctors now going to SOLAR ENERGY were the MONEY IS as always.
    Doctors and Drug ceo’s have been making millions prescribing drugs to many that live near or by High polluted
    areas. From dirty energy that hurt breathing our lungs, water we drink and harm our children and all. That we
    all pay for. When all on earth need is Clean Air and Water, and Clean Cities.

    Now common sense would be for all to look for a Clean Fuel Source like Wind, Hydro, Geothermal and Solar.
    Renewable Energy is eliminating the need for Dirty Energy Worldwide at a record pace. With SOLAR ENERGY Clearly
    the front runner.

    To the fear of some of the richest people on Earth. They to surprisingly are doing
    something extraordinary investing in Solar Energy. After years of many of them trying to under mine it.

    Fuel that makes energy to ship goods, or make electric for homes and manufacturing. Can transform whole
    nations into prosperity and wealth or poverty and economic hardships for most all. Just as taxes on taxpayers
    has done. For over two thousand years. Making slaves of many to the wicked and unjust few. History Lesson
    Roman Empire, Persian Empire now OIL Empire oh sorry OPEC.

    The Freedom to get your own Power from the Wind and Sun, Solar Energy has been there for years. Are Libraries and
    Schools should have been the first to have gone Solar and Renewable Energy. And why are they not? Churches are all
    over the Planet. They are going to Solar Energy.

    Utilities many of them still trying to own and control the lost in OUR government, still trying to under mine it.
    They all need to be in Jail thay have all sold their soul for $$$$$$$$.

    Thank GOD for the Pioneers like John Schaeffer that Started Real Goods The first and Best catalog for Renewable Energy
    and Scientist Dr. Addison Bain one of NASA top Scientist and Scientist Bill Young at the FSEC Florida Solar Energy Center
    and Monica D. Key Lindbergh for many years wrote to legislators promoting Solar and Renewable Energy and many others.

    These Pioneers helped put Wind, Solar And Renewable Energy in the Spotlight for all the World to see. One of The
    Greatest Scientists ever Albert Einstein Started it with a Dream that the day would come that all the World would
    use Solar Energy. His many years of work with the law of the “Photoelectric Effect”, and showing this to the World
    won him the Nobel Prize in Physics. For the “Photoelectric Effect”
    Free Energy From the SUN in the heavens above.
    We still do not teach this to our young.

    Very soon Hybrid Vehicles and (EV’s) Electric Vehicles will out number the ones that need oil and gas to go. With
    the ability to recharge them at home and work from the sun.

    Tesla Motors with its new Model S electric sedan, will be one of many the World will see. Honda, Nissan, Audi,VW,
    BMW and Volvo are just some of the Car Companies putting into production Electric Vehicles a EV, and many more are
    and many are building Electric / Hybrid Vehicles. The DeLorean Motor Company has put into production 2013 a
    DMC-EV Electric DeLorean, that will have a body and power plant that will last you a life time. Just think you
    can recharge them at home and work free from the sun Solar Energy.

    Now to own a car that will never rust way and runs on the power from the sun that’s the one for me. Very soon most
    all on earth will be able to get energy by recharging from the sun and wind.

    Cities that want to be Clean many of them are putting in recharging stations in their heart of
    their downtown of their city all over the Planet Earth. Many Thanks mostly to Scientist Bill Young and his team
    at FSEC for their many years of work at this..

    UK now has more Electric charging Stations then gas.

    GOD Bless You Professor Takashi Ohira and your team for the good work they are doing. To promote Clean Cities with
    Clean Transportation that will let some drive all day without having to stop to recharge. As Neil Armstrong would
    say one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Just one step closer to the World being powered be the
    Sun Solar Energy.

    Going Solar
    Germany, Denmark, Australia, Sweden, Norway, India, Nepal, Tibet, and Israeli clearly a leader in Solar companies
    and Renewable Energy is helping many World Wide and a long list of Nations Going Solar. Even Iran with its
    Archimedes Tower. At its Shiraz Solar Power Plant Iran and all the Oil Nations on Earth know the World is going to
    SOLAR Energy.

    Going Geothermal

    Iceland, Philippines, Kenya…..and more then 50 other Countries.

    Wind Energy in use

    More then 75 Countries

    Albert Einstein’s Dream coming true
    The Earth Powered By SOLAR ENERGY.

    GOD Bless
    all that Spot Light and use Solar Energy

    GOD Bless all that have eyes to see and a brain to know that Solar Energy is the way to go.

    There is enough Energy coming from our Sun to power all our needs and then some.

    The Lord’s Little Helper
    Paul Felix Schott

    P.S. Look to on the internet at …… and Photo of

    The World’s Most Leading Authority on HYDROGEN Scientist Dr. Addison Bain and Jr. Scientist in training
    Monica D. Key Lindbergh at the Florida Solar Energy Center. Showcasing Renewable Energy. In front of
    Dr. Addison Bain’s Ford Crown Victoria. That started out as a Vehicle that was used in tests at
    NASA by Dr. Bain. This Vehicle was the first of its kind on Earth. Originally it was set up to run as a
    Bi-fuel System to run on either CNG Compressed Natural Gas or Gasoline. Dr. Addison Bain has added
    Hydrogen to its use. Making this Car still one of a kind on Earth. Dr. Addison Bain”s Solar covered
    roof Makes Hydrogen from the water. The Hydrogen is put into tanks and he fills the car up at home.
    Free Fuel from the SUN.
    The first home SOLAR / HYDROGEN SYSTEM ON EARTH, Cook, Heat and recharge the Vehicle free from the SUN.

    In many cities and more added every day there are more Electric Charging Stations than gas. UK was one
    of the first.

    Soon Universities and Scientist around The Planet will help make it to where you will be able to drive
    and recharge as you go down the road, putting an end to the need to stop at all. (Wireless Power Transfer)
    over 100 years ago a Scientist showed this to our GOV they would not listen.

    Now wick Leaders will not be able to stop the Dream Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Addison Bain and many other
    Scientist have know could be done and will be now done World Wide. The end for the Large need
    of Oil. And sending $$,$$$,$$$,$$$ to the Middle East have no fear obama will try to find a way to keep
    sending your Taxes and money there.

    Tesla car owners drive coast to coast FREE from the SUNLIGHT, 2014.

    Ford Motor Co. to relive Henery Ford’s Dream a car every American can aford and own.
    The America Dream FREEDOM Recharged by the SUN, SOLAR ENERGY.

  30. WeaponZero says:

    Your statement does not justify Tesla’s statement of

    “Using industry-leading technology, the Tesla Supercharger refills half the battery in as little as 20 minutes.”

    My statement justifies BOTH the 170 miles statement and the 50% statement. Your statement does not fit in both statements. Your just making things up that are not there.

    50% in 20 minutes, 80% in 30 minutes.

    50% of 208 miles is 104 miles and 50% of 265 miles is 132.5 miles
    80% of 208 miles is 166.4 miles(around 170 miles) and 80% of 265 miles is 212 miles(though en).

  31. WeaponZero says:

    Taking 1 trip over 200 miles a year is not a problem. Since most of the trips by vehicle are between 250-499 miles. That is only 1 supercharger stop away. If you eat while you charge it is 0 time wasted.

    And your making no sense with the 30-40k statement. Most vehicles in the same class as the Tesla Model S cost as much if not more expensive then the Tesla. I would love to see you find a new Mercedes S class, BMW M5, Audi A8 for 25k cheaper than a Tesla.

  32. KoKotheTalkingApe says:

    That’s true, but I believe that is the single sentence about EV sales, and the article immediately points out that those numbers are dwarfed by sales of hybrids. The article is kind of a collection of bits and pieces. Look at this paragraph: “Stations like these are an example of the growing infrastructure available for electric vehicles. This is made possible by the local electric grid. In New Jersey, the power in those lines comes from natural gas, including fracked gas, from neighboring Pennsylvania and other states, and nuclear power plants in state. Despite fossil fuels being a partial source for the vehicles’ electricity, electric cars still produce fewer emissions per vehicle than conventional cars…” Four sentences. How are they related?

  33. KokoTheTalkingApe says:

    That is a good idea, and Tesla was working on it. It seems like it would not be easy to accomplish, though. Cars would have to be designed to fit around a common battery shape, and if Musk’s robot battery swappers come about, a common location in the car. That seems pretty limiting, especially since a lot of current electric cars, like the Electric Focus, are modified gasoline cars. But maybe when more cars are designed to be electric from the ground up, that won’t be such a problem. Right now I believe there are only three (Tesla, Leaf, i3.)

  34. JH says:

    🙂 Sure bud.

  35. Matthew Slyfield says:

    So, how many conventional cars sold last year?

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