Posts Tagged ‘oil’

The Next Oil Frontier

Like a monster in a horror movie, oil might prove tough to kill off. This front-page story in today’s WSJ ought to give climate concerned folk the shudders. Because it’s behind a pay wall, I’m going to quote extensively from the piece, including this set-up: The Arabian Peninsula has fueled the global economy with oil…Continue Reading…

Drilling Down on Big Oil

Nice package of pieces over at Foreign Policy, all part of a special report called, “The State of Big Oil.” Worth checking out.

The Oil Price Lever

Steve LeVine at Foreign Policy has a fascinating post that is best described by his tweet: Could we be headed back to $55-a-barrelĀ #oil? If you believe that#stimulus money saved the economy, the answer is yes.

The Looming Energy Squeeze

Steve LeVine at Foreign Policy discusses a near-term scenario that Big Oil deems all too plausible: Royal Dutch/Shell says that in 2020, energy supplies will be so tight that they will tip the world into a full-blown crisis in which governments will force their populations to reduce driving, use less electricity, and pay an extremely…Continue Reading…

Hydrocarbon Man

The sequel. It’s coming.

There Will Be Blood

That was the story of oil’s birth, and it will be the story of its abrupt decline, predicts Stacy VanDeveer, a political scientist at the University of New Hampshire. In the interim, he offers some food for thought: What are the implications for the existing petro states if we actually do bend the curve on…Continue Reading…

The Apocalypse Annals

There’s no resisting a great headline, so thanks to Michael Tobis for pointing me to this bit of hilarity via his Google reader. But if you absolutely must take James Cameron seriously, then head over to Revkin’s place. As for Cameron’s walk-on role in the gulf oil gusher epic, my brain tells me that Andy’s…Continue Reading…