Posts Tagged ‘Somalia’

Climate Change & Famine

A Guardian blog called “Poverty Matters” carries a headline that I find obscene: Is Climate Change to blame for the famine in the Horn of Africa? I might have taken a charitable view towards this provocative headline if the actual post included discussion of Somalia, where the famine is hitting hardest.  You probably have seen…Continue Reading…

Through the Looking Glass

There is much that is astonishing about today NYT story on Somalia, above all this: One American official recently conceded that Somalia’s “best hope” was the government’s new military chief, a 60-year-old former artillery officer who, until a few months ago, was assistant manager at a McDonald’s in Germany. Meanwhile, in the Guardian, you can…Continue Reading…

Pirate Booty

All that pirate action in Somalia has created a booming “stock market” of sorts. Foreign Policy thinks this might help shine a necessary spotlight on the Big Fish behind all the hostage-taking. Elsewhere, these masterminds are referred to as “a few deep-pocketed financiers.”  And who would they be?

The New Norm

The indispensable Jeffrey Gettleman has a heart-wrenching dispatch on Dot Earth: We walked through a camp for displaced people, absorbing the human wreckage all around us. There were stick-skinny children with horrible, rattling coughs that sounded like an old Chevy Nova trying to start up on a cold morning. Emaciated goats snacked on piles of…Continue Reading…