Posts Tagged ‘social media’

The Science Battle on Social Media

In recent years, localized initiatives to end or reject fluoridation of public water supplies have made news in the United States and Canada. The practice has long been considered an effective and safe way to help curb tooth decay. It is endorsed by numerous professional science-based bodies, such as the American Dental Association and the U.S. Centers…Continue Reading…

Keeping a Lid on the World of Me

Despite having a blog, I still haven’t fully embraced Twitter or Facebook. I’m scatterbrained enough and already consume too much media during the course of a day, so something has to give. Maybe when I have a book or some such product to hawk, I’ll rev up my social media machine. Meanwhile, I want to…Continue Reading…

I'm With Stupid

The findings from this new study “reveals the downside of our hyperconnected lives,” writes Jonah Lehrer. Social media, he says, may be facilitating “new forms of collective action,” but it has also enabled new kinds of collective stupidity. Groupthink is now more widespread, as we cope with the excess of available information by outsourcing our beliefs to celebrities,…Continue Reading…