Posts Tagged ‘Peter Gleick’

A Story No Climate Reporter Wants to Pursue

In the immediate aftermath of Peter Gleick’s confession, reaction was passionate and wide-ranging. The news dominated the climate blogosphere for weeks, with every climate blog having something to say on the matter (with the conspicuous exception of RealClimate). The story was also dutifully covered in the mainstream media. The first wave focused on Gleick’s admission. The…Continue Reading…

Avoiding Climate Derangement Syndrome

If you are a member of the climate concerned community, you are likely distressed by the recent turn of events. One of your best known warriors has badly blundered, resulting in an important (if temporary) PR victory for your opponents. The fallout has been worsened by some of your most zealous allies, who have either…Continue Reading…

The Heartland Strategy Memo

If you’re following the Peter Gleick/Heartland Institute saga, you know this story likely has a few more twists and turns. Or as journalist Marc Gunther puts it: This story will get worse before it gets better. There remains the sticky problem of a “climate strategy” memo which appears to be a forgery, for a host of…Continue Reading…

Climate Wars Reach New Lows

Last week, the Los Angeles Times wrote that the Heartland Institute “found itself duped out of several confidential fundraising documents that were then distributed widely over the Internet, offering a glimpse of its priorities.” This was true. The LA Times, noting that the Heartland Institute “pilloried climate scientists whose stolen emails were released in 2009 as part…Continue Reading…