Posts Tagged ‘peak oil’

Peak Oil Hijinks

Whoa, The Oil Drum is going to burst when it gets hold of this exclusive at The Guardian: The world is much closer to running out of oil than official estimates admit, according to a whistleblower at the International Energy Agency who claims it has been deliberately underplaying a looming shortage for fear of triggering…Continue Reading…

Hold Your Gas

As I mentioned here, enviros and climate advocates have gotten all starry-eyed about unconventional natural gas. But the Oil Drum says that the future of natural gas production is a puzzle. In fact, pointing to this recent article, TOD suggests that some caution is in order.

Sacrifice or Sustainability?

What happens when you cross John Nash’s view of human behavior with Isaiah Berlin’s concept of human freedom? You get the reason why we may never chart an environmentally sustainable course. This is the interesting argument that Kurt Cobb lays out over at The Oil Drum. His conclusion is dispiriting: The way to win any…Continue Reading…