Posts Tagged ‘Pamela Geller’

A Hideous Mutation of Glenn Beck

It looks something like this. As Jeffrey Goldberg puts it: Pamela Geller has a new book coming out, about what she sees as the central challenge of our time, called “Stop the Judaization of Germany.” Oops, sorry, it’s called “Stop the Islamization of America.” Same general theme, though. Yes, indeed, as I’ve pointed out here, about…Continue Reading…

Whipping up the Mob

An example of the corrosive demagoguery that can flow from raw blog sewage is on display at Atlas Shrugs, whose author, Pamela Geller, was profiled in yesterday’s New York Times. Hers is a case study in why you can’t ignore the influence of charismatic, zealously driven, talented bloggers, especially those who are spearheading a mini-culture…Continue Reading…