Posts Tagged ‘Joe Romm’

Curry: The Backstory

By now, many people must be wondering of Judith Curry: what’s her story? How did the respected Georgia Tech climate scientist go from global warming = more intense hurricanes to darling of climate skeptics?  How did she go from staunch IPCC booster to harsh IPCC critic? And why, in heaven’s name, is Curry engaging in…Continue Reading…

Fisking Romm

Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger do a deep dive into the Romm/Pielke Jr. affair. Some trenchant observations made by the Breakthrough boys, such as this one: Romm knows that a debate with a non-skeptical liberal like Pielke would disrupt the Manichean fairy tale that global warming is an epic struggle by scientists and climate realists…Continue Reading…

Romm's Weekend Froth

Yeah, why would one prominent guy who writes about climate policy want to debate another prominent guy who also writes about climate policy? Here’s Joe Romm, in a response to a reader, explaining why he has no interest in debating Roger Pielke, Jr: The question is why waste any time on him at all? He…Continue Reading…

Romm's Bud at NYT

Is Joe Romm becoming the Michael Mandelbaum of climate change in Thomas Friedman’s op-ed columns? Romm still has a way to go before he can approach Mandelbaum’s record number of appearances. But today’s column brings the latest evidence that Romm is a fav of Friedman. What’s doubly perplexing about this is that Friedman has never…Continue Reading…

Dead Enders

It starts. I’m convinced that Joe Romm will not go down without a fight. He will, to paraphrase a famous term from a far more socially divisive chapter in American history, destroy the climate debate to save it. You think I exaggerate? Check out his post today, in which Romm finally acknowledges that enviros are…Continue Reading…

Romm's Twitter Bugaboo

I love it. The blogger who goes on endlessly in blog posts inveighs against tweeting: Journalists simply shouldn’t be twittering on science or other subjects that require more than 140 characters to discuss intelligently, which is pretty much every topic. It makes total sense: it often takes Romm thousands of words to make the same…Continue Reading…

Ragin' Romm

[UPDATE: The Breakthrough Institute weighs in and issues a challenge to the media and climate advocates.] Okay, I was really hoping to leave all this unpleasant Joe Romm stuff behind. I’m gratified by the emails of support I’ve received from colleagues and the public show of support. (See here and here for two that I…Continue Reading…

My Rebuttal to Romm

[UPDATE 1: See bottom to read about the deletions and textual changes Romm makes in his post and follow-up response.] [UPDATE 2: Science journalist and University of Colorado professor Tom Yulsman, (a colleague and friend), weighs in here.] [UPDATE 3: Since publishing his post on me, Romm has made so many changes in the text…Continue Reading…

Joe Romm Unloads on Me

In characteristic Romm fashion. In his post today, there’s way too many distortions of what I’ve written and who I am for me to respond in an off the cuff manner. I also don’t want that to eat up my Sunday. But because I’m a freelancer with all the job security of a…freelancer, I’ll take…Continue Reading…

Revkin the Rorschach

Noting this positive profile of Andy Revkin on NPR, a reader of Andrew Sullivan’s suggests there’s an upside to Limbaugh’s recent drive-by: Rush’s listeners were reading Revkin prior to his attack, but this NPR-listener is going to check out his blog. Well done Rush: You just gave Revkin a few thousand more readers. I noticed…Continue Reading…