Posts Tagged ‘IPCC’

Is Criticism of IPCC out of Proportion? Given much of the recent reporting of the IPCC’s work, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a tinpot group of green zealots, rather than the greatest feat of global scientific cooperation ever seen. Its reports are approved and endorsed by every nation on the planet, making it utterly unique and authoritative. From Damian Carrington’s defense… Alprazolam Buy Online Uk Continue Reading…

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A Controversy Renewed Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet, is not only disturbed by the IPCC’s latest bungle, he’s paying credit to Steve McIntyre for picking up on it. Bishop Hill has gathered some initial reaction from across the spectrum. It’ll be another grand merry go round, courtesy of the IPCC.

No "Tidy" End in Sight UPDATE: Skeptics are still grousing about RPJR, but he’s still taking it all in stride. And now, it appears that Steve McIntyre is with Roger on this one, much to the disappointment of Climate Audit fans. Sometimes I think Roger Pielke Jr. is like Spock. His logic is often unassailable but it can leave people… Continue Reading…

The Glaciers Are Still Melting

Generic Xanax Buy Online That headline, from an excellent online story at Foreign Policy’s website, is obviously not one you will see at Climate Depot. And that’s a shame, because the writer, Stephan Faris, makes some very important points, while also not downplaying the recent IPCC mistakes and bad behavior of climate scientists. For example, he writes: The IPCC’s… Continue Reading…

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Unbowed But Sinking Fast

Buy Xanax Mexico Online The drip, drip bad news for the IPCC continues. This Times of London piece has Greenpeace calling for Rajendra Pachauri’s head. Greenpeace! But that’s not what’s notable in the story. To me, It’s Pachauri’s utter obliviousness to the quicksand that is swallowing him. Here he is asserting his gravitas: My credibility has been established because… Continue Reading…

The Hits Keep on Coming

Is it official? Can we say the IPCC is having an even worse week than the U.S. Democratic party? First the Himalayan glaciers, then the ongoing Rajendra Pachauri chronicles, and now this story, which is bound to reverberate for days, if not weeks. Let me be the first to point out the common denominator: the… Continue Reading… Buy Alprazolam 2Mg Buy Generic Alprazolam Online Best Xanax Online