Posts Tagged ‘India’

India and the Iron Law of Climate Policy

I have an idealistic streak that is increasingly tempered by real world events. So on Sunday I admired the enthusiasm of the hundreds of thousands of people who marched through the streets of Manhattan to sound their concern about climate change and other environmental issues. I tried not to let this article ruin the good…Continue Reading…

The Exploitation of Indian Farmer Suicides

From The Economist’s Demography and Development blog, several months ago: FACTS can be stubborn – and irritating. It is satisfying—perhaps even gratifying—to accept the idea that genetically modified crops are causing thousands of Indian farmers to commit suicide (as this article claims). The notion seems plausible: farmers take out higher debts on the promise that GM seeds…Continue Reading…

The Selling of the Suicide Seeds Narrative

Over the past decade, the story of hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers being driven to suicide because of the failure of their genetically modified cotton crops has circulated widely in the media and of course, in anti-GMO circles. An acclaimed 2011 documentary called Bitter Seeds chronicled the phenomenon. The film’s tagline is from a…Continue Reading…

Reconciling Traditional and Religious Beliefs with Western Medicine

When a science-minded crusader in India was murdered in August, it made international headlines. As the New York Times reported: Narendra Dabholkar traveled from village to village in India, waging a personal war against the spirit world. If a holy man had electrified the public with his miracles, Dr. Dabholkar, a former physician, would duplicate…Continue Reading…

The Real Seeds of Deception

In October, Dan Charles, NPR’s food and agriculture correspondent, wrote an excellent piece headlined: Top Five Myths of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted There is one myth, however, that should have been included because of its widespread dissemination and emotive power. It is the one GMO myth that exploits real human tragedy and for that reason, I…Continue Reading…

Can We & the Planet Reconcile Competing Values?

The Economist has an excellent article about the “fate of India’s amphibians” and what is a universal conservation paradox: As economic growth has accelerated so, it appears, has the destruction of  [India’s] forests. The Centre for Science and the Environment, a lobby group, reckons that the pace at which clearance permissions have been granted has…Continue Reading…

Genetically Modified AG Saves Lives. Imagine That.

Bt cotton now helps to avoid several million cases of pesticide poisoning in India every year, which also entails sizeable health cost savings. This is not the sort of news you’re liable to hear about in anti-GMO quarters, where the concerns of the small farmer are righteously defended.