Posts Tagged ‘fossil fuels’

Our Fraught Relationship with Technology

For those of us fortunate enough to be born into the right circumstances, life is good, with antibiotics, modern dentistry, vaccines, climate-controlled homes, big-screen TV’s, smart phones. The sum of this, however, is worrying to some: What is the toll to the planet, to the ecosystems that support us and the rich diversity of animals and…Continue Reading…

CNN Asks: Does Climate Change Exist?

Incredibly, that was the facile theme of Piers Morgan’s latest (ridiculous) foray into the climate debate. Can somebody at CNN please bring Morgan into the 21st century? We are no longer debating whether global warming is real or not. That train has left the station. And CNN having two activists on opposite ends of the…Continue Reading…

Is Clean Coal Ready for Primetime?

Do you remember BP’s Beyond Petroleum ad campaign in the 2000s?  As a writer at Adweek noted in 2010 (in the wake of BP’s disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill), the campaign “has always been borderline ludicrous, positioning the oil company as essentially anti-oil (or post-oil).” Well, if that was ludicrous, what do we call the idea…Continue Reading…

What's the Plan?

Every president since Richard Nixon has sought the holy grail of energy independence. The last eight presidents have all promised to get us there, as Jon Stewart pointed out in 2010. We all laughed along. Well, guess what? It now looks like it might actually happen. But here’s the first bit of shocking news on this front, as…Continue Reading…

Drilling Down on Big Oil

Nice package of pieces over at Foreign Policy, all part of a special report called, “The State of Big Oil.” Worth checking out.

Resilience and Global Warming

“What will a post-crash, truly 21st-century world look like? For people “¨thinking about global systems (economic, environmental, and social) “¨one idea stands out: resilience.”¨” So begins a must read piece in Fast Company by futurist Jamais Cascio. The concept of resilience, as defined by Cascio, means the capacity of an entity–such as a person, an “¨institution, or a…Continue Reading…